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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~LDSマウスに対するカルシウムチャネル遮断薬の影響~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So we have now directly tested this in mouse models of Loeys-Dietz syndrome. I'm here using a calcium channel blocker, a common one called amlodipine. Importantly, in these studies it didn't matter which calcium channel blocker you use they all appear to have this detrimental effect but clearly in the mice with Loeys-Dietz syndrome shown on the right, the addition of a calcium channel blocker caused much more rapid growth of the aorta. Here looking at the aortic root but if we go to the next slide, also further up the aorta in a segment called the ascending aorta. Calcium channel blockers also aggravated disease. Not only did they cause the aorta to get bigger, faster but they also cause the aorta to tear there earlier. 




So on this basis I think that we could extend the general recommendation for people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome that calcium channel blockers should be avoided unless they're absolutely needed to treat some specific serious condition, you know, if they are the only medication that's effective in lowering a dangerously high blood pressure then I think we would still recommend their use but if there are alternatives and in most people there are many good alternatives we would recommend avoidance of calcium channel blockers. 




Dr. Dietz, there is a question that I don't know the answer to in the chat. Is this just to calcium channel blockers that are in this amlodipine pathway or does it include delta, diltiazem and verapamil, too? 




Yes, so we tried multiple calcium channel blockers in many different classes and they all showed this detrimental effect on aortic growth, so we think it's true of the class of medications called calcium channel blockers, not just specific calcium channel blockers. 




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