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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~大動脈手術~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So one of the big things that differentiated Loeys-Dietz syndrome from Marfan syndrome in the very beginning was this recognition, right? that aortic diameters could show dissections or tears at smaller diameters than Marfan syndrome necessitating the need for potentially earlier surgery at smaller dimensions and so in 2014 when we were really studying types one and two we were setting thresholds around four centimeters or depending upon how fast the aorta was growing and really wanting to do surgery in younger kids once the valve reached two centimeters. 




And most of those guidelines would still be in place, however, there is a greater appreciation in Loeys-Dietz syndrome for more individualization and personalized decision making, so we really want to take into account what gene is impacted, perhaps what is your specific variant and what can we learn from other family members, how fast is the aortic growing, what can you learn from your family members, was there early dissection, did people not have problems until later in life, how does that impacted, to really kind of better fine-tune guidelines for surgery for you and your individual families.




Something that we do need to do when we're thinking about updating our guidelines, however, is look in the literature to see kind of what variants might be associated with aortic dissections at those smaller dimensions because maybe they need a little bit more aggressive surgical guidelines. 




And then also, you know, the surgery that most people get for aortic aneurysms is a valve sparing procedure that might replace the root and up into the ascending but really kind of stops there before it's going into the arch and so potentially what we might learn is that are there some variants, are there some types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome gene mutations, are there some families that maybe tell us that instead of just doing that root repair we should go a little bit farther. Some of you have might had something called like a hemiarch repair where they've put graft material into the root, the ascending but kind of gone over a little bit farther into the arch and maybe that should be the first surgery for some people and so that's something we definitely want to look into. 




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