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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜最後のまとめ〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So let's go go back to the take-home messages. What I would like to to convey is that there is now a very substantial evidence base for good medical treatment for patients with Marfan syndrome. 




Angiotensin receptor blockers from a young age, I think, in childhood probably at high doses and especially for FBN1 mutation patients are a good idea. I think any angiotensin receptor blocker is probably effective. I think that irbesartan is probably the strongest and most effective. I like to start with small doses and then build up slowly to high doses. I think it's a good idea to try and get on to the maximum dose that the patient can tolerate and that is 300 milligrams in the UK. I don't quite know what it is in the US. I think it's the same. I think if you don't get on with one ARB I try another, I think losartan is also fine. The dose in children in the UK is two milligrams per kilogram up to a maximum of 100 milligrams. In the UK there is an argument for going into to 150 milligrams if you can. You have to discuss that with your care provider. 




I think that these medications can be used in combination with beta blockers. I think it makes sense to try and get the beta blockers to the maximum tolerated dose. You can either use atenolol or propanolol. I think other blockers are probably fine as well. Again you want to start at a low dose and build up to a high dose.




And it's probably best to use calcium channel block, to avoid calcium channel blockers, fluroquinolones, and triptans.




Lifestyle measures are very important. Surgery is available with the aorta becomes too large or expands rapidly.




And also I want to give you a very positive message which is to say that in the trials there were very few events that were bad for patients and there are, I know for sure, many new therapeutic strategies in development and the landscape for treatment for patients with Marfan syndrome is completely transformed compared to the situation even 10 years ago and certainly compared to 20 or 30 years ago.




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