Q & A
Q1 マルファン症候群の特徴があります。どうしたらいいですか? Q2 検査のためには何科を受診すればいいですか? Q3 検査を受けなければなりませんか? Q4 今から診断を受けるのは遅すぎませんか? Q4 遺伝子検査は必要ですか? Q5 ロイス・ディーツ症候群で…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 58:51-1:01:05 Q: How often do you see complications in the aortic arch? 大動脈弓部の合併症はどのくらいの頻度でみられますか? A: I can start…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 54:55-58:37 Q: Here's a question that touches on the ethics of disclosing diagnosis. If an adult has genetically confirmed heritable thorac…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 52:50-54:51 Q: In the statement, you mentioned dual therapy if tolerated. What does "if tolerated" mean? What are indicators to change medi…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 51:52-52:44 Q: Is atenolol the preferred treatment for children four and under? 4歳以下の小児については、アテノロールのほうが好ましいですか…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 48:09-51:48 Q: Does the statement include specifics on baseline imaging when newly diagnosed? ステートメントには、診断が付いてから最初に行…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 44:00-48:06 Q: For the shared decision making, it would be helpful to know, uh, to better, to know, excuse me, to know better estimates of …
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 39:20-41:15 Q: And then what about musical instruments? My middle school LDS1 child was just told no wind instruments. 楽器についてはどうで…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 37:25-38:56 Q: Fencing - I don't know that fencing is on your list there. How would that fit into the categories here? There's obviously pr…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 35:49-37:23 Let's talk about amusement parks. What is doable there? 遊園地で乗ってもいいアトラクションは何ですか? A: You want to start, Ro…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 33:50-35:47 Q: There are parts of the world where skiing is a way of life. What are your thoughts around counseling families with aortopath…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 30:46-33:47 Q: Any tips for discussing the exercise at the preschool age and also with a child but also with the school? What recommendatio…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 28:21-30:41 Q: Can you clarify what determines low versus high risk on the exercise table? ステートメントの表にあるハイリスク(ダークブルー…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 25:30-28:18 Q: What would be considered “Early-onset Marfan syndrome”? 早期発症型マルファン症候群(eoMFS:Early-onset Marfan syndrome)と考…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 49:38-51:39 Q: You mentioned that steroids could be harmful for bones. Do the benefits outweigh risks if using steroids to treat asthma or EoE? ステロイドを服用すると骨への悪影響の可能性があるというお話があ…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 46:23-47:56 Q: Can EoE be triggered hours after exposure to the allergen? Is that different than a long-term symptom onset? I think I'm not exactly sure how the question... maybe you understand what they're …
Navigating GI Management in LDS 45:06-46:21 Q: This question is about planning an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. If you see evidence of IBD on an endoscopy alone, would you see that or do you need a colonoscopy to take a look at that? 胃や大…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 42:52-45:03 Q: Is there a correlation between LDS and malabsorption? LDSと吸収不良との間に関連はありますか? A: Malabsorption is when your body cannot appropriately absorb all the nutrients you're eating. Th…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 41:49-42:46 Q: Do you have a recommended NSAID that we could keep on hand for general use and if there's a recommendation for pediatrics versus adult patients? 日常的にそばに置いておくNSAIDのお勧めはあります…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 39:40-41:46 Q: Doctors are quick to recommend NSAIDs for different problems related to inflammation that is seen in people with connective tissue conditions, people with LDS. However, we understand that chro…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 35:31-39:28 Q: I will say that there are a couple of themes coming up. One is about medication management and EoE, another's on like EoE. So I'm going to just try and sort through these and go through them i…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 49:41-50:09 Q: Can lifestyle changes reduce the risk of blood clots and atrial fibrillation? 生活習慣の改善によって、血栓や心房細動のリスクを下げることはできますか? A: Yes, it's a little hard to pr…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 49:10-49:38 Q: What are the options when the heart has calcified? 心臓の石灰化に対しては、どのような治療選択肢がありますか? A: Well, so calcification of blood vessels is an expected change with agi…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 48:24-49:08 Q: Are cardiac ablation safe for individuals with VEDS? カテーテルアブレーションはVEDS(血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群)の患者でも安全にできますか? A: Well, that's a good question. That…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 47:06-48:19 Q: Dr. Bowen, I know that I've come to you a number of times about the supplements for people because that is a question that comes up regularly from people whether to improve their heal…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 45:53-47:08 Q: For those who maybe aren't feeling as sharp as they used to be or are feeling a decline in their executive functioning, is there advice that you could offer on how to slow that progre…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 44:03-45:11 Q: Could you please elaborate on how a heart attack and a dissection might feel different for someone? 心筋梗塞の痛みと大動脈解離の痛みの感じ方に違いはあるのでしょうか?詳しい説明をお願…
Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome 39:09-40:36 Q: So many patients, uh, parents of kids want to ignore scoliosis and not accept the precautions, pushing children for sports. Do you think that is safe? お子さんが側…
Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome 37:37-39:04 Q: So does Marfan automatically mean a huge risk of arthritis when you age, or does it vary? マルファンであるということは、加齢によって自然と関節炎のリスクが高くなると…
Scoliosis Management & Surgical Options for Marfan Syndrome 37:03-37:33 Q: So for pre-teens, at what degree of scoliosis would you recommend any type of treatment? 10歳前後の子どもでは、コブ角がどのくらいになったら側彎症の治療が推奨されま…