Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition
For those who maybe aren't feeling as sharp as they used to be or are feeling a decline in their executive functioning, is there advice that you could offer on how to slow that progression or is it even possible to gain any of that loss of executive function back?
Well, that's understandable. I mean I'm experiencing this where you don't have quite the memory that I used to have. I might walk into a room and “Oh, why? I know I'm here for a reason but why did I walk into this room?” That's simple forgetting but things that are not simple forgetting or, for example, getting lost driving to the store that would not be simple forgetting that would be a more serious problem or not remembering a conversation that you had five minutes or 10 minutes ago that would be a more serious problem.
But I think for those of you who are simply just a little more forgetful than you were and that's all there is to it, just accept that that's an expected thing with aging. Don't do the supplements and all those things. Probably, honestly the best thing you can do is physical activity and go back to those essential eight items.
単に多少忘れっぽくなったということなら、加齢によるものだと思って受け入れるしかありません。サプリメントなどを試してはいけません。対処法としては、運動そしてLife’s Essential 8です。
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