
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~心血管系の管理~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




In terms of cardiovascular management, what we would say and continue to say is that people should be getting at least yearly echocardiograms. Clearly we're doing that a little bit more frequently in childhood for individuals who are more severely affected or having kind of close to a surgical threshold aortas.




We clearly want to avoid hypertension putting people on blood pressure medications. One thing that we must say about blood pressure medications. It's really important to take these receptor blocker medications both ARBs and beta blockers really, really consistently so because of how it impacts those receptors. If you're going off the medication for a week and then going back on or going on vacation and forgetting to take it it can actually be more harmful than being, than not being on the medication. 




You're all are aware. I've seen some questions there about exercise restrictions, so as a general reminder we want you to be a healthy person, exercise for fun and in moderation, avoiding those heavy weight lifting and kind of valsalva movements where you really have to "Ahh" strain and close off your windpipe are to be avoided, you know, avoiding exercising to exhaustion, so run as a family, do 5Ks for fun. Don't run them to get personal records. 




And in the 2014 guidelines we did address that congenital heart disease is, misspelling, is typically managed per typical protocols. We do see increased prevalence of bicuspid aortic valve which usually is not that significant but comes into account when we're thinking about what kind of surgery to do for the aorta. 




So we know something that we need to be looking into is that as our population is aging we do see some more instances of arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies and so we really want to pay attention to what is happening to our adults as they're getting older. 




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