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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜フルオロキノロン系抗菌薬〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




I'm going to just talk about a couple of other issues now. There is and the, in particular I want to talk about the medications that we should not be giving and I'm sorry I'm running a bit later than I said I would. I just, just take me a bit longer to explain those things and then and then we'll go on to some, some questions so if I thinks there's time.




So fluroquinolone antibiotics so, so there is some evidence to suggest that a a group of antibiotics called the fluroquinolones and the drug that's most widely used certainly in the UK is a drug called Cyprofloxacin often called Cypro. It is well established that this this medication can cause rupture of certain tendons in the body, the connective tissue especially the Achilles tendon and I, I've definitely seen patients myself where they have had a tear of the Achilles tendon in the heel of the foot. I've definitely seen that myself. That's well established. No doubt about that. 




Now that has led people to think, "Well, that's interesting, maybe that could cause a wider problem in connective tissue." Where else do we find connective tissue? In the aorta and there is some data that suggests that some people have had increased risk of aortic dissection and current use of fluroquinolones is has been associated with a, a 2.9 times increased risk so, you know, nearly triple the risk of an increased risk of aortic tearing and people with Marfan syndrome have a much, much higher risk of tearing of the aorta the risk, you know, you, you know, people with Marfan Syndrome have a risk that is like a hundred times higher 150 times higher than the normal population and young people with Marfan syndrome have an age-adjusted risk of maybe 500 times increased risk compared to the normal age-adjusted population and so if you triple that it starts to get very, you know, much higher relative risks and so maybe that would be the type of medication that you should be looking to avoid.




So I think that there is some conflicting evidence that's recently been published as well that says maybe that that risk doesn't exist and so I think the evidence is conflicting. I think, I think the way I approach this is to say if this medication can safely be avoided then I would avoid it. If there's an alternative medication I would choose the alternative. If there's no alternative and the infection is serious and, and this medication has to be used, well, I think you and your physician have to weigh up the risks and benefits and I could imagine that there are certain patients where its use could be justified but let's not use it willy nilly, is that a British phrase I think it probably is, okay?




And here's some mice data that shows, that it's, it's a, you know, here's some, some, some, some mice that have been given Cyprofloxacin in and certainly, you know, mice that are prone to getting aortic dissections when challenged with Cyprofloxacin and other agents to increase their risk of aortic dissection bad things can happen to their aortas, okay? So that's, that so, that's, that's a bit more data about it.




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