
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~ハイリスクな所見~

Living with Risk




And I would say that the exact disease and the exact diagnosis matter tremendously so there are certainly some conditions that we know are going to be higher risk. 



Particularly Loeys-Dietz syndrome, especially those with a TGFBR1 or 2 mutation, which is going to be greater risk than some of the other changes. Those with a prior family history of aortic dissection



And then there are some patient-specific features that can also help us to predict higher risk. Obviously if the aorta is more dilated but also we know that those with vertebral tortuosity or twistiness of the vertebral arteries as they go up to the head as seen in the motion picture there are at higher risk or patients with renal or splenic cysts with Marfan syndrome have been shown to be at higher risk as well. 



It's also important to know that even while we're cardiologists we're not just worried about the heart. Obviously there's risk of ocular damage or lens dislocation or retinal tear in a patient with Marfan syndrome and cervical spine instability and those with Loeys-Dietz, the image of the x-ray below is a patient of mine, who fell down the stairs when he was five and required urgent surgical fixation. 



I think I'm going to stop there in the interest of time. We really wanted to try to allow plenty of time for questions at the end then I will try to unshare my screen. 



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