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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~ロイス・ディーツ症候群に関する推奨事項~




This, this slide just emphasizes a little bit of difference in management and Loeys-Dietz syndrome, so in Loeys-Dietz syndrome imaging because aneurysm disease is more widespread than in Marfan syndrome that baseline MR or CT angiography from the head to the pelvis is recommended as opposed to in Marfan where the thoracic aorta is really the, the first evaluation segment but in Loeys-Dietz we look widely from head to pelvis at the entire aorta and the branches for aneurysm, asymptomatic dissection and tortuous arteries because that can also impact risk thresholds. 




And if a aortic segment or an arterial segment is abnormal then annual or more frequent, depending upon the size, imaging of that segment is recommended but if it's normal imaging it every two years is reasonable in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and this is again part of the shared decision making how frequently is it necessary when the blood vessels look normal and this is also important in vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with cerebral imaging even less frequent because of the rate of growth in that, in that arterial segment. 




And then like Marfan syndrome but without randomized clinical data in Loeys-Dietz syndrome treatment with beta blocker or an ARB like losartan or both drugs in maximally tolerated doses is reasonable, next slide. 




I'm going to just set this up and then talk to, Abe comment. What's new in Loeys-Dietz compared to 2010 is a recognition now that there are multiple genes that can lead to features that we recognize in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and so the decision about aortic surgery in and I think, this condition and vascular Ehlers-Danlos condition, in particular, involves a very complex shared decision making that incorporates so many factors that might influence the individual risk and again it comes down to the risk of observation versus the risk of surgical therapy. 




And so in Loeys-Dietz syndrome where there's aortic enlargement or dilation the surgical threshold for replacing the aortic root and the ascending aorta should be informed by the specific genetic variant, in other words, which gene is involved and even more importantly different genes can have different variants with different effects, what's aortic diameter, what's the growth rate of the aorta, what's the phenotype, in other words, are there severe craniofacial features and arterial tortuosity and bifid uvula, and other features which predict risk, what happens in the family, what's the person's age, what's the sex and what's the physician and the patient preference, so all these factors go into play when deciding about surgical thresholds, next slide.




And this is one table that just emphasizes the five different genes recognized that can lead to features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome: TGFBR1-2, TGFB2, TGFB3 and SMAD3 and again the levels of recommendation, meaning it's recommended, might be considered as reasonable, in other words, the different ways we think about this depend upon the gene, the presence or absence of features which place someone at high risk or don't put someone at high risk for aortic dissection and what diameter is present and you can see the ranges from four centimeters to five centimeters but in the more common TGFBR1 and 2 are the, the first Loeys-Dietz that were recognized, four to four and a half centimeters again and surgery still can be recommended on the smaller range of this scale when there are high-risk features or rapid aortic growth, so I think nowhere is it more clear that these hard surgical cut points have gray edges than in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and then some of the high-risk features are listed here, Dr. DeAnda? 


こちらの表はロイス・ディーツ症候群の原因となりうる5つの遺伝子(TGFBR1,TGFBR2, TGFB2, TGFB3, SMAD3)ごとの手術しきい値をまとめたものです。原因遺伝子ごとの推奨レベルは、推奨される、妥当と考えられる可能性がある、というものですが、言い換えると、原因遺伝子、大動脈解離の発症リスクが高くなる特徴の有無、大動脈径によって判断は変わるということです。手術のしきい値となる大動脈径は4~5cmまでの幅がありますが、ロイス・ディーツ症候群で最初に見つかった型であり、より多くみられるTGFBR1とTGFBR2の変異の場合、4~4.5cmとなっています。ですが、高リスクと考えられる特徴や大動脈の拡張速度によっては、これよりも小さな大動脈径での手術が推奨されることもあります。つまり、ロイス・ディーツ症候群においては、厳格な手術しきい値というものは存在しないと考えられます。スライドの下に高リスクと考えられる特徴の一覧があります。DeAnda先生のご意見をお聞かせください。


Yeah, this this, this and the previous slide with, with the actual recommendation if you parse that recommendation. It is important to it, it tells you once again the importance of that multi-disciplinary team and the center of excellence. You, there is so many factors that are going into that decision making and it can't be a decision to operate based solely on the diameter. That, that should not be the case. It's going to the, the team has to take, take into consider a lot of these other factors so that the risk-benefit ratio of the operation versus medical management is at least given some very serious consideration before proceeding, so I think, I think this is, this these last two slides really emphasize the need for that type of expertise in dealing with, with this disease.




So this, you know, one example would be, you know, an individual a young woman with a TGFBR2 type of Loeys-Dietz, who has very tortuous arteries and a cleft palate and bifid uvula and has a family history of dissection in a small size in a young age, whose aorta is 4.1 centimeters and, and that person may be counseled and may accept surgery at that size. 




And another person with a TGFBR1 male, who's 60, who has a benign family history, with enlarged aortas, with no dissections and has made it to 60 and has a 4.1 centimeter aorta and that person and the surgeon would choose, "let's watch a little longer," because of the natural history in that individual. 




Understanding that we, we don't have a crystal ball for every individual and it's shared decision making in these instances. 




Yeah, and I would, I would once again just for the the patients and the families that are on this call if the decision is not to operate even though it says on this little chart that it's reasonable to operate it, for instance, at four and a half or four. That's a discussion that should be had but it shouldn't be considered that maybe you're not getting optimal care. You may, in fact, be getting really optimal care if that decision has been made not to operate but it's, it is important to have everyone have that open discussion and understand why that decision was made.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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