Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy
There are parts of the world where skiing is a way of life. What are your thoughts around counseling families with aortopathy around wanting to participate in downhill skiing, acknowledging that it's not a contact sport but there is certainly a risk of falling at speed?
I mean, there's no data on this so you can just get mine and Dr. Lacro's opinions. I don't think we specifically addressed it here. I usually talk about skiing being fine in most situations until you get highly competitive, and not pushing people and making sure you're not trying too hard to do the black diamonds and trying too hard to go compete, go faster, go faster. But just skiing and downhill skiing is a way of life for many, many families and trying to gauge risk, I mean, anyone can hit a tree, right? And that's the biggest risk. It's not the skiing itself, it's the injury with skiing. And so I'm pretty liberal with skiing as long as we're not being highly competitive. But I'm curious Ron, you're around a lot more people that ski. Most of ours, you know, going wintering to Colorado down here.
Yeah, I agree with that sentiment completely. I mean, I think just emphasizing the recreational aspects and trying to avoid the - I mean, because skiing can be very rigorous and very competitive, but it all can also just be a fun activity. So I would emphasize proper techniques and just general safety, which should be emphasized for everybody who's trying to ski, not just kids with aortopathy. But for most people in most situations, I think as long as you're not trying to be the fastest and the best, and if, you know, if your goal is the Olympics, well, we need to probably have a discussion. But for most situations, I think if they learn good technique and adopt sort of safe practice, I think it's fine.
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