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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜最後のまとめ〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So let's go go back to the take-home messages. What I would like to to convey is that there is now a very substantial evidence base for good medical treatment for patients with Marfan syndrome. 




Angiotensin receptor blockers from a young age, I think, in childhood probably at high doses and especially for FBN1 mutation patients are a good idea. I think any angiotensin receptor blocker is probably effective. I think that irbesartan is probably the strongest and most effective. I like to start with small doses and then build up slowly to high doses. I think it's a good idea to try and get on to the maximum dose that the patient can tolerate and that is 300 milligrams in the UK. I don't quite know what it is in the US. I think it's the same. I think if you don't get on with one ARB I try another, I think losartan is also fine. The dose in children in the UK is two milligrams per kilogram up to a maximum of 100 milligrams. In the UK there is an argument for going into to 150 milligrams if you can. You have to discuss that with your care provider. 




I think that these medications can be used in combination with beta blockers. I think it makes sense to try and get the beta blockers to the maximum tolerated dose. You can either use atenolol or propanolol. I think other blockers are probably fine as well. Again you want to start at a low dose and build up to a high dose.




And it's probably best to use calcium channel block, to avoid calcium channel blockers, fluroquinolones, and triptans.




Lifestyle measures are very important. Surgery is available with the aorta becomes too large or expands rapidly.




And also I want to give you a very positive message which is to say that in the trials there were very few events that were bad for patients and there are, I know for sure, many new therapeutic strategies in development and the landscape for treatment for patients with Marfan syndrome is completely transformed compared to the situation even 10 years ago and certainly compared to 20 or 30 years ago.




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜トリプタン系製剤〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




This is a bit more controversial perhaps. There are a group of medications called triptans. These are used for migraine and usually used as, as an acute treatment. They're not used for prevention of migraine. They're used to terminate a, a, an episode of migraine. They  cause blood vessels to constrict and can cause rises in blood pressure and the data for this I think is very sparse but I have definitely heard of and have met small numbers of patients who have had migraines or they think is a migraine, they've taken a tablet, a triptan medication and then within an hour or two of, of have that, having happened, they have had aortic dissections. 




Now these are very small isolated reports. This is not strong evidence but, you know, I've heard, have heard enough to make me anxious about it and I think other colleagues have had similar experiences. It's a little bit difficult to be certain about it. Maybe were those symptoms, they were experiencing perhaps not migraines and actually the first symptoms of aortic tearing something like that.




So I'm not sure about it but I would prefer for patients like that to be on medications to prevent their migraines from happening in the first place rather than maybe taking medications to terminate the attack. That would be a better strategy, so I try to avoid triptan wherever I can. 




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜カルシウム拮抗薬〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




The, the next thing I want to bring to your attention is that there are medications called calcium channel blockers. These are medications like verapamil, diltiazem, things like that. They're widely used to lower blood pressure and historically they have been suggested as treatments for Marfan syndrome but again this is data from Hal Dietz and his lab, have shown that use of these agents is associated with dramatic expansion of the aneurysms in mice and tearing of the aorta and it is really bad for mice with Marfan syndrome. There is some fairly limited data from the GenTAC registry again done by Hal Dietz and his colleagues.




These are medications that I try extremely hard to avoid in anyone at risk of aneurism conditions and I think that there are almost always medications that can be used instead of these drugs and I now avoid them myself. I don't think everyone else in the field does that myself but I'm not alone in doing that, so I don't think these medications should be used or I don't use them and I would try to avoid it.




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜フルオロキノロン系抗菌薬〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




I'm going to just talk about a couple of other issues now. There is and the, in particular I want to talk about the medications that we should not be giving and I'm sorry I'm running a bit later than I said I would. I just, just take me a bit longer to explain those things and then and then we'll go on to some, some questions so if I thinks there's time.




So fluroquinolone antibiotics so, so there is some evidence to suggest that a a group of antibiotics called the fluroquinolones and the drug that's most widely used certainly in the UK is a drug called Cyprofloxacin often called Cypro. It is well established that this this medication can cause rupture of certain tendons in the body, the connective tissue especially the Achilles tendon and I, I've definitely seen patients myself where they have had a tear of the Achilles tendon in the heel of the foot. I've definitely seen that myself. That's well established. No doubt about that. 




Now that has led people to think, "Well, that's interesting, maybe that could cause a wider problem in connective tissue." Where else do we find connective tissue? In the aorta and there is some data that suggests that some people have had increased risk of aortic dissection and current use of fluroquinolones is has been associated with a, a 2.9 times increased risk so, you know, nearly triple the risk of an increased risk of aortic tearing and people with Marfan syndrome have a much, much higher risk of tearing of the aorta the risk, you know, you, you know, people with Marfan Syndrome have a risk that is like a hundred times higher 150 times higher than the normal population and young people with Marfan syndrome have an age-adjusted risk of maybe 500 times increased risk compared to the normal age-adjusted population and so if you triple that it starts to get very, you know, much higher relative risks and so maybe that would be the type of medication that you should be looking to avoid.




So I think that there is some conflicting evidence that's recently been published as well that says maybe that that risk doesn't exist and so I think the evidence is conflicting. I think, I think the way I approach this is to say if this medication can safely be avoided then I would avoid it. If there's an alternative medication I would choose the alternative. If there's no alternative and the infection is serious and, and this medication has to be used, well, I think you and your physician have to weigh up the risks and benefits and I could imagine that there are certain patients where its use could be justified but let's not use it willy nilly, is that a British phrase I think it probably is, okay?




And here's some mice data that shows, that it's, it's a, you know, here's some, some, some, some mice that have been given Cyprofloxacin in and certainly, you know, mice that are prone to getting aortic dissections when challenged with Cyprofloxacin and other agents to increase their risk of aortic dissection bad things can happen to their aortas, okay? So that's, that so, that's, that's a bit more data about it.




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ここまでのまとめ〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So I'm now going to just skip forward and just draw some conclusions from the trials. So angiotensin receptor blockers reduce the rate of aortic growth in Marfan syndrome. The effects of ARBs are largest in those who've got mutations. Beta blockers are effective in indirect analyses. There's no evidence of any, of any interaction with the medications and the decision to operate is determined by aortic root size and growth rate, so medical treatment should be expected to delay surgery and aortic tears substantially if these are given for a number of years and so I would recommend giving these from a young age, if possible.




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の大動脈イベントに対する効果について〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




I'm just going to go back and say that we were able to explore, you know, one of the questions was, you know, was there evidence that these medications reduced the rate of tearing of the aorta and things like surgery and that, that kind of thing and, and the answer to that question and, and this, it may be difficult for people to understand but I, I'll explain it the best way I can. 




The, the, the answer is that this may be surprising. There were not enough patients thankfully having aortic tears or aortic surgery or dying in these trials and, and this is a positive message I think for everyone on this call. There were not enough patients having aortic tears or having surgeries or dying thankfully in these trials for us to draw any meaningful conclusions about whether these medications impact on these things or not, okay? and that's because these patients were diagnosed, they were being followed carefully by experts who knew what they were doing in, in good centers in America and Canada and in, in the UK and in the, in other European countries, they were compliant with their medications, they were on good medications like beta blockers and ARBs, they were having regular echoes, they were having surgery when surgery was necessary and they were only being followed over a short number of years, two, three, four, five years and that's a very positive message because look, look here, you know, this, this is, this is data from 1,500 patients approximately who were followed over three, four, five years and in the, in the patients given ARBs there were zero deaths. There were zero aortic dissections. What a fantastic message for you guys, you know, so I, I, I, you know, that's in the ARB versus control trials, so I think this sends a very optimistic message. 




Some people have tried to use this information to suggest that, that the, the drugs don't reduce these clinical outcomes but that is a misunderstanding or, or a misinterpretation of how to interpret meta-analyses, I'm afraid to say and I do not agree with it. The, the the goal of the meta-analysis from the outset the primary outcome of the meta-analysis was to look at whether it reduced the rate of enlargement of the aortic root, which is a very, very important measure in Marfan syndrome. If I had Marfan syndrome I would not want my aortic root expanding rapidly because that's how we decide whether to do aortic surgeries and it's, it's the it's the, best measurement we've got for deciding whether you are in trouble if you've got Marfan syndrome and it's how we decide whether you have surgery or not and it, you know, what I try to do with patients with Marfan syndrome is I, I try not to let them get into a situation where they aorta to get to these dangerous levels and it looks to me like my colleagues who were running these trials in, in the in, in these, in these countries were doing a fantastic job of that by and large and so they should and, and, and that, that is not and so there were not enough events in order to make reliable conclusions about whether the drugs impact on these clinical events. I, I hope I've explained that as well as I can, okay?




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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の比較〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




And then, we, then went on to look at trials where they had compared angiotensin receptor blockers with beta blockers. This is a different kind of trial. ARB versus beta blockers head-to-head comparison and this was the Pediatric Heart Network trial that was supported by the Marfan Foundation in the States, the Spanish trial and the Canadian trial. They were comparing head-to-head trials and what that showed is the diamond kind of overlapped in the middle, okay? and that meant that ARBs and beta blockers have comparable effect sizes, so that means that if you, if you are forced into a situation in which you can either take an ARB or a beta blocker and it's one or the other then probably the effects are pretty similar, okay? and ARBs and beta blockers are probably fairly similar to each other in, in terms of their effect size but as I showed you before if you're on a beta blocker you'll probably get additive effects from an angiotensin receptor blocker as well, so I think it makes sense to be on both.


では、ARBとβ遮断薬を比較した試験を見ていきましょう。この試験は先ほどの試験とは、種類の異なる試験で、ARBとβ遮断薬を直接比較しています。米国のTMFの支援によるPediatric Heart Network試験、スペインの試験、カナダの試験が対象です。結果ですが、ダイアモンドが中央で縦の線と交わっています。これは、ARBとβ遮断薬の効果量は同等であることを意味しています。つまり、ARBかβ遮断薬のどちらかを服用しなければならない状況にある場合、その効果はおそらく同等と考えられるということです。ARBとβ遮断薬は、その効果の大きさという点では、おそらくお互いによく似ているのですが、先ほど紹介した結果から、β遮断薬を服用していれば、ARBからも同じく付加的な効果が得られると考えられますので、両方の薬を飲むことは妥当と考えられます。


We were able to, I'm just going to skip that slide for one second and come back to it. We were able to do a clever little statistical analysis that my colleagues in the with statistical brains were, were able to come up with, which allowed us to estimate the effects of beta blockers and we found that the effects of beta blockers were effectively comparable to the effects of, of angiotensin receptor blockers, so we think that beta blockers work as well and we've been able to add the pile to the pile of evidence that suggests that beta blockers are effective, which also comes from other other types of evidence as well. 




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。