
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 month


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 54:00-55:01 Q:Would you say that those with recurrent pneumothoracies, or spontaneous, spontaneous lung collapse, so people with recurrent pneumothoracies, are they at high risk regardless o…


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 53:21-53:58 Q:Natalia is asking about PPIs. I don't know what that is, so do PPIs have an impact on one's ability to fight COVID infection? I'm not sure if that's pulmonary or heart disease.…


52:35-53:05 Q:Are patients with mechanical mitral valves who are on blood thinners at higher risks? 僧帽弁を機械弁に置換し、抗凝固薬を飲んでいる患者さんは、高リスクとなりますか? A:So if a patient who's had a valve repair or replacement ha…


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 51:42-52:32 Q:If you have COVID, is it possible that your aorta will grow larger? I guess possible or have you seen it happen are two different things but what have you seen? 新型コロナウイ…


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 50:00-50:43 Q:Do you consider the Marfan diagnosis itself as reason enough to be concerned or only if you have had surgery or taking cardio medicines or higher root dimensions? マルファン症…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~最後に~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 45:20-48:59 So now we're ready for just some take home messages before we start talking about some of the questions that may have come in. So Enid, do you want to just go over this? では、こ…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~治療薬について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 37:37-45:16 So let's go on to talk about some of the medications that have now been approved to treat COVID-19 in when you're in the hospital. Kim,do you want to go over some of these?では、…


はじめに マルファン症候群でみられる歯科所見 叢生 後交叉咬合 不正咬合 下顎関節症候群 心内膜炎 マルファン症候群でみられる歯の問題 矯正歯科治療 心内膜炎 特別なトレーニングを積んだ歯科医や矯正歯科医を受診する必要があるか? 歯の日常ケア はじめ…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ワクチン接種とアレルギーについて~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 33:00-37:37 So one of the other questions was, "Do any medications or allergies alter the vaccine's effect?" So Enid, you want to talk about it.「ワクチンの効果に影響するような薬やアレルギー…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ワクチン接種の対象者について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 30:37-32:57 So let's go on to see, discuss who should get the COVID vaccine. Enid, do you want to start off with this? では、ワクチン接種を受けるべき人について、Enid先生お願いします。 Oh sur…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ワクチンの安全性について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 27:25-30:36 And so, you know, there's always questions about "Are they safe?" So Kim, maybe we can go over some of this data that we've learned. ワクチンの安全性は常に注目を集めていますが、K…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~mRNAワクチンのしくみ~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 23:46-27:24 Now we're going to change over to the vaccine information and maybe you can go over, you know, how is this mRNA vaccine different from other vaccines?ワクチンの話に移ります。mRNA…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~マルファン関連疾患患者の感染状況~

oCovid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 21:59-23:42 So as Dr. Eagle had said we had asked, you know, one of the major questions that we got were "Is there any data about Marfan and related conditions patients having COVID-19 and …

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ACE阻害薬・ARBについて~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 19:07-21:56 So we, we probably just we, we just started to learn about the mechanism of COVID-19. It involved the angiotensin receptor pathway and since many of our patients do take these dr…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~その他の高リスク疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 16:19-18:59 You know, several of our other genetic aortic conditions do have other issues that may put them at a higher risk. So Enid, do you want to go over that? I think some of these are …

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~高リスク心血管疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 12:34-16:18 So now we're going to call upon Dr. Kim Eagle, our cardiologist here, to go over some of the cardiovascular issues that may put you at high risk. Kim? では、循環器内科医のKim先生…

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~高リスク肺疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 8:13-12:31 So to get started, let's, you know, tackle the question about who is at high risk of bad outcomes if they get COVID-19. So having Marfan, LDS or vEDS or most of the other genetic …

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~トピックの紹介~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 6:32-8:12 So thanks everybody for joining us. I see that we have over 200 people here today and so I want to just begin by going over what we're going to try to cover today. 皆様、セミナーに…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~心内膜炎について~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 31:31-33:35 And "What do doctors, dentists, researchers and patients all want to know?" They all want to know infective endocarditis and orthodontic implica…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面に関する新たな研究結果(2)~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 28:40-31:30 And we also get craniofacial measurements, so not just photographs we did measurements, and we looked at the width between the eyes, the width o…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面に関する新たな研究結果(1)~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 26:45-28:39 So we wanted to take an opportunity with so many patients and experts while, at the various meetings, that we we use that opportunity to evaluat…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面的特徴に関するこれまでの研究~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 25:26-26:44 So there are a lot of studies that have already looked at this. They're studies by Ting et al. and they use photographs and they found that all …

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面的特徴~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 24:14-25:25 So we actually examined craniofacial characteristics in a Marfan cohort by coming to several annual meetings in addition to serving in the clini…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~歯周病~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 21:25-22:59 What about gum health, periodontal disease? A lot of people ask that question. Again the cohorts are not robust enough to know whether or not Ma…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~顎関節症~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 20:07-21:24 So what else? The face is characteristic and oftentimes we see the narrow face that sort of impedes the ability to have the facial harmony that …

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~交叉咬合~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 17:53-20:04 Related to that is something called a posterior crossbite. You have a narrow palate and you have the upper teeth that kind of sit on the inside …

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~叢生の原因~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 16:53-17:52 So thinking about that, how do we recognize craniofacial features in a systematic way that makes it so that we aren't being too anecdotal or too…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン患者と医療者から寄せられる質問~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 15:00-16:52 So what are the most frequently asked dental questions for the Marfan syndrome and related disorders? I look at that is two categories. They are…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン患者と医療者が気にかける歯科的所見~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 13:56-14:59 So we know the things that people think about again from the practitioner and from the patient side when it comes to the Marfan condition is, ar…

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~資料の紹介~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020) 11:53-13:55 But Marfan syndrome in dentistry, just, just in general can be tricky because many of the dental characteristics alone are common in the general…