
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~その他の高リスク疾患について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




You know, several of our other genetic aortic conditions do have other issues that may put them at a higher risk. So Enid, do you want to go over that? I think some of these are pretty much from Loeys-Dietz and maybe vEDS type patients.



Yeah, and it's very important for for everyone to recognize that when you're fighting off any serious infection, especially a serious pneumonia, that your ability to tolerate it reflects your overall health and so many of these disorders that we're listing on this slide will compromise your ability to handle any type of infection and so we can extend that actually to COVID.



And so obviously chronic malnutrition and, and that would be a setting in which there's a an active and a long-term discussion about supplements and maybe the use of feeding tubes and supplements to your kind of regular diet and that obviously will compromise your, your overall health and your ability to handle an infection.



Inflammatory bowel disease requiring the use of immunosuppressants, so immunosuppressants make patients much more susceptible to a variety of pathogens including viruses and so that's why this is a setting in which you'd be much more susceptible to the effects of COVID.



Other diseases requiring the chronic use of steroids, which are considered immunosuppressive or other immunosuppressive drugs and so there's a wide range of drugs that are considered immunosuppressive.



And what you need to do is ask your physicians whether you are actually taking drugs that can suppress your immune system, and, and they can also give you a sense of whether the level of suppression is significant enough that you have to be concerned about COVID.



And lastly we suspect that people with vEDS, who have experienced coughing up blood during lung hemorrhage are at higher risk of pulmonary complications and that's because of what we know about vEDS that the patients who have hemoptysis, or lung hemorrhage usually have lesions in their lungs that don't necessarily repair themselves and what we see are large cysts or we see scars that form and again overall that reduces the functional lung tissue and therefore your lung reserve is compromised.



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