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COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




So these are questions that deal with lung issues and this virus, so Enid?



Yeah, these we covered some of these, I think, in, in the prior slides but I want the listeners to be clear about is the fact that the lung involvement is very much tied to this infection.



And that is because the virus actually binds to a protein that is present on the lining of the lungs, that what we call the lung epithelium, and that's not unusual because there are other respiratory viruses who bind to other proteins in order to enter the cell.



But what's helpful to think about is that a virus has agenda and that agenda is to produce more variance to expand to proliferate and the way that it does it is by entering the cell and using the cells on machinery to produce more viruses and then, killing the cell so that the cell releases kind of all of these kind of progeny of the virus. And so in the lung the immediate effects of that is that the cells that lining kind of the lungs are compromised and are lost.



And in someone who has kind of the normal ability to repair the lung, they can tolerate this and there will be shortness of breath and there will be a cough and there will be an inflammatory response but that will resolve over time and there won't be severe complications of kind of their lung function.



But in the event that, that repair doesn't take place efficiently and that is one of the concerns that we have with the variety of lung disorders, many of which were on that list and we have a specific concern in patients who have connective tissue disorders because one of the ways that the lung and other organs repair itself is by using the connective tissue almost like a template or as a guide in order to repair and to replace cells.



And in the event that repair doesn't happen and that leads to kind of ongoing respiratory compromise, the need for some type of a ventilatory support, maybe a ventilator and can actually cause kind of ultimate death.



And so when you have an underlying lung issue, we're not worried as much about whether you will be infected. We're worried about the fact that an infection will have much more serious consequences in your situation than it would in someone who doesn't have these underlying lung issues.



You're not more susceptible to COVID but you will have potentially many more complications of a COVID infection.



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