Lung Issues in Marfan Syndrome
And here I've summarized kind of the causes of restrictive lung disease in persons with Marfan syndrome.
And the points are that with pectus deformities, remember that surgical repair does not correct restriction and a cosmetic goal is a sufficient reason to pursue repair.
For scoliosis, this is typically corrected early but we know that progressive curvature will develop without correction and that the pulmonary consequences without correction are significant and in terms of neuromuscular disease, it's important to diagnose this very early so we can institute a program of pulmonary rehabilitation and consider whether ventilatory support will be needed.
Now this is a listing of some of the pulmonary interventions that we're able to prescribe as pulmonary consultants. And these range from non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, which we use in very severe and significant cases of restrictive lung disease, to pulmonary rehabilitation, which we use typically in the setting of shortness of breath with activity and mild or moderate restriction, supplemental oxygen and that's what we use if there's evidence of desaturation at rest or with activity.
And if the chest wall deformities are so significant that there are areas of the lung that are actually compressed and airways that are compressed sometimes, we have to use bronchodilators or even airway clearance devices.
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