Lung Issues in Marfan Syndrome
And we will start with this. So another term for respiratory muscle weakness is the neuromuscular consequences of Marfan syndrome. We know that persons with Marfan syndrome have skeletal muscle weakness and skeletal muscles involve your limbs, involve your arms, but they also involve your chest muscles that are involved in every breath that you take and these weaken respiratory muscles can lead to reduced lung capacity and restriction as we saw before.
So how do we make the diagnosis well? We make it using those same pulmonary function tests that I talked about, but I also add these two extra tests and they're called maximal inspiratory and maximal expertory pressures and these are diagnostic of respiratory muscle dysfunction and in all patients that I evaluate with Marfan syndrome and shortness of breath, I obtain these studies.
So you may ask well, "What are the treatments if you have respiratory muscle weakness?" Well, the critical intervention is pulmonary rehabilitation, which we'll talk about a little later, but if the respiratory muscle weakness is very severe, we may even have to consider ventilation support, which we'll also talk about a little later.
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