Tromsø Aorta 2024 Recap with Dr. Kim Eagle
One of the things that's very clear from presentations that we heard at Tromsø is that regions that have organized themselves to try to make diagnosis and rapid management of aortic dissection a priority do better. This, I think, is more common in regions of the world where care is sort of normalized across the region. There's a hub and spoke model where a center of excellence is going to receive acute aortic problems. The other spokes, if you will, are primed with making the diagnosis, perhaps with imaging, and rapidly transporting those patients to a center of excellence.
The studies that are done so far in Europe and also in particular regions in this country - Minnesota and North Carolina being a couple - have shown that we can reduce mortality from aortic dissection if we organize ourselves into these regional networks of care. It's harder to do in the United States where each state has its own insurance plans, etc., but it's something that we are really striving for.
Creating an aortic care network with a center hub and spoke model, and then an aortic dissection team that allows rapid assessment of imaging, having the surgeon and the cardiologist ready to receive the patient and provide optimal care in a very timely way, I think we'll see more regionalization of dissection care in our country as this general notion continues to evolve.
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