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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~大動脈解離のリスク因子~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




So risk factors in the setting of, of, of Marfan disease and related heritable thoracic aortic diseases diagnosis of the aortopathy is really crucial. Most women in series on aortic dissection during pregnancy were not aware of their diagnosis and this holds true for, for all the various forms of, of thoracic aortic disease.




Then, the other factor that plays an important role is aortic diameter and this is especially so in the setting of type A aortic dissections of, of the, of, of the aortic root where there is a known relationship between the diameter of the aortic root and a risk for dissection. This is not only the case in in pregnancy. This is also the case in, in people outside pregnancy but the diameter is definitely one of the major risk factors as well in pregnant, in pregnant women, so recognizing women with a predisposition to aortic dissection, knowing the diagnosis and then counseling them before conception and monitoring the aorta throughout the pregnancy may lessen the risk of this rare complication and improve the outcomes that was the conclusion of this important paper.




So where does this diameter come from? So the, the relationship between aortic diameter and aortic dissection as I mentioned is, is well known also outside pregnancy but looking specifically at pregnancy, this is one of the first publications on this topic by, by Reed Pyeritz a long time ago, 40 years ago or even more where he looked at diameters and found that in those women with aorta, aortic diameters below 40 millimeter the risk was one percent whereas it increased 10 times-fold in those with diameters above 40 millimeters 




So women found to have aortic decomp, cardiac decompensation or heart failure or aortic dilatation of more than 40 millimeters are counseled against pregnancy, against attempting pregnancy and this was the conclusion of this, of this old but, yeah, still important, important paper and this is where this, well this number of 40 millimeters that is now commonly used, actually stems from. 




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