Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives
I will be addressing firstly what is the risk that we are talking about, how can we estimate the risk, how can we reduce the risk and I'll be addressing prophylactic surgery on in that respect and then I will end with some, with the evaluation and some recommendations.
So this has also been already addressed by the previous speaker so we are talking about the risk of dissection and as we all know, the, the main location of dissection in genetic thoracic aortic diseases is the aortic root but this can also occur at other places, so the root may show an aneurysm or will show an aneurysm in most cases prior to dissection.
And then there's two types of dissection: type A aortic dissection, which is really a surgical emergency when high fatality rates and high mortality rates and then there's a type B aortic dissection, which is less lethal but still has a high morbidity in the, in, in the time after the dissection.
So in the setting of a pregnancy maternal mortality rate is really high in, in the setting of, of dissection estimated between about seven and even 25 percent in some, in some series.
So looking at the the risk and the estimates of risk you can look at this from different perspectives. This is in the in the general population so showing data on the risk of, of, of dissection during pregnancy because due to weakening of the aortic vessel wall and due to hemodynamic changes with an increased output. There is a risk for dissection in all women a risk of, of about times four when compared to outside pregnancy. The risk is higher for type, for type A then for type B and it's mostly in the third trimester and in the postpartum period. So pregnancy definitely also in the general population conveys an additional risk factor for aortic dissection.
Looking at it from, a from, from the other way, so from, from the cohort of patients presenting with, with dissection, how many of them occur during pregnancy and this is a really large database, the IRAD database, a database on aortic dissection, so 0.3 percent of all dissections occur during pregnancy. Looking just on women, about a third of the population, this goes up to one percent and if you go to the younger women this number will go up to 19 percent, so in young women dissections and pregnancy are definitely related.
And this is then looking specifically at the Marfan population, so these are data from the, from the GenTAC registry where they have calculated that the aortic dissection risk is times 8.4 during pregnancy versus outside pregnancy, so a significant, significantly increased risk. Definitely type A and type B occur with equal, equal proportions here and as I will show you in in more data that not knowing the diagnosis is actually the major risk factor for aortic dissection in these women.
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