Entries from 2019-06-01 to 1 month
What are the psychological effects after surgery? A lot of people have some depression about two or three weeks after a major heart operation. I think it's a little more common in older people than younger people but it can happen in young…
What can patients do to aid in their own recovery? I think it's a, it's a fair bet that mind/body interactions are appreciated much more now than they were when I went to medical school and they are very important and having the right fram…
What happens in aortic surgery? With the aorta replaced by a plastic tube, you don't have to worry about it getting bigger anymore. 大動脈をプラスチックの管に交換すれば、太くなる心配はありません。 The aorta is replaced and the Dacron will …
What is the patient's experience of the operating room? I know a lot of young people have worries about what the experience is going to be like in the operating room. 手術室に入ると何をされるのか心配になっている若い患者さんは多くいます。 G…
What is valve sparing aortic surgery? The valve is really part of the heart and the aorta is not really so much a part of the heart, but it starts where the heart ends and then continues on as the major blood vessel in the body. 心臓弁は心…
What types of aortic surgery might be needed? I think parents and, and the patients usually ask do I really need this surgery now and, and then if the answer is yes, then they want to hear more about the surgery and they want to talk about…
2018年5月7日 Auburn Ponder Anderson 国際看護師週間ということですので、さほど注目を浴びることはなくとも、身を粉にして働く素晴らしい看護師の皆さんに敬意を表したいと思います。その中には、1989年に夫のテッド・ポンダーがマルファン症候群で手術を…
What would you like a person who needs aortic surgery to know? Well, I think the first message is, is to know that everything's going to turn out okay. まず最初にお伝えしたいのは、心配する必要はないということです。 It's, it is a serious pr…
How has a patient's experience changed over the course of your career? I have a number of people who I started treating when they were adolescents or younger, who have now had children of their own and I take care of their children. 私には…
What is the outlook for a person diagnosed with Marfan syndrome? One of the most common questions I receive from parents of children and then eventually from the children themselves is how active they can be, and this has to be individuali…
How Many people have Marfan syndrome? There has never been a proper study done to identify the true what we would call prevalence of Marfan syndrome. いわゆるマルファン症候群の正確な患者数を特定するという、正式な研究はこれまで一度も行われ…
Does Marfan syndrome cause problems such as ADHD or reduced intelligence? Marfan syndrome does not affect intelligence. マルファン症候群は知能には影響しません。 We've looked at this very carefully and the spectrum of intelligence across th…
What is the life expectancy of a person with Marfan syndrome? My experience with Marfan syndrome dates back to the late 1970s. And at that time there was neither a medical nor surgical approach that could really lengthen the life expectanc…
What is spontaneous mutation? So we've talked about the situation where one parent has Marfan syndrome. 両親の一方がマルファン症候群であるケースについては、お話しました。 In fact, perhaps as many as a third of children with Marfan syndrome…
How is the Marfan syndrome passed from one generation to the next? Marfan syndrome is, what we geneticists call is, autosomal dominant condition; autosomal meaning that it doesn't involve either of the sex chromosomes: males and females ar…