Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition
Let's switch to the aorta because many of you have problems with your aorta. This is a normal thoracic aorta with a lot of elastic tissue, which appears yellow here, and nice, normal pulse wave. But with aging and with connective tissue disorders, these elastic fibers will fragment and the aorta will stiffen. And now the mechanical properties of the aorta are no longer normal and aorta enlarges. So this is caused both by normal aging and by connective tissue disorders.
And these are normal aortas: 16 years old, 30 years old, 42 years old, and 64 years old. But if you have a connective tissue condition, though, you might have an aorta that looks like a 64-year-old’s aorta when you're only 20 or 25. So in a way, the aging changes are similar to the changes in connective tissue disorders.
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