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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~妊娠・出産について~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




Okay moving on to pregnancy. As Maya commented earlier that the emphasis on shared decision making and the importance of counseling, genetic counseling, maternal fetal medicine specialists and high-risk obstetrics, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, vascular surgeons as an entire team when approaching pregnancy with the, the mother and father who are going to be expecting this child. 




So in people with genetic aortopathies who are contemplating pregnancy so emphasis on before pregnancy commences genetic counseling to talk about what heritable condition is present and what that would look like for, for the mother and what that would look like for the child and how that would affect the family is recommended.




In aortic imaging again depending upon the condition how widespread but could be head to pelvis or it could be thoracic or it could be an echocardiogram before pregnancy to determine what does the aorta look like and that can help inform what the risks of pregnancy would be and specifically what the risks of aortic dissection are related to pregnancy, next slide. 




For those with thoracic aneurysm or those who have risk of aortic dissection it's recommended that pregnancy be managed again by a multi-disciplinary team and we talked about all the members who are involved in that team. 




Now the guideline committee worded this in a careful manner. If it's logistically feasible it's preferred the delivery be planned at a hospital where someone like Dr. DeAnda or a team of surgeons are available for emergency aortic repair and where I am in St. Louis if I'm caring for someone, you know, four or five hours away in a rural setting who's aorta is normal and Marfan syndrome who has a low risk sometimes it's just not possible or practical for that person to be at our place for delivery, so we worked with other sites where we think the risks are going to be low. In other settings we, we really ask come to our site, come to a tertiary center to have your deliveries because if something would happen you'd have all the specialists available. So again when it's feasible it's, it's advisable to have your delivery at a hospital that is capable of managing an aortic catastrophe. 




And then during pregnancy routine imaging is recommended throughout the pregnancy and the surveillance frequency just depends upon multiple factors. A rough guideline is about once per trimester and then so many weeks postpartum to see if there's been any significant aortic growth during pregnancy and in some instances where growth is demonstrated we do much more frequent imaging throughout pregnancy, so there's individualization of that but emphasizing the importance of repeated imaging throughout pregnancy, next slide.




Dr. DeAnda, do you want to comment about some of the things we decide about with regard to who to consider for surgery before pregnancy depending upon their condition?




Right, so it and I'll go through these quickly and in lieu of the time right now but our class one recommendations for the, for the pregnant patient with Marfans or some other aortopathy if their aorta is less than four centimeters we have recommended that a vaginal delivery is when otherwise appropriate is recommended. When it's greater than four and a half centimeters and you have Marfans if you're a contemplating surge, pregnancy we also recommend that the aortic root or ascending be replaced the aortic root in this case be replaced before pregnancy is proceeded with. We have the gray area and this is the class 2B recommendation and actually the patients with Marfans who have the root measuring between four and four and a half aortic surgery may be considered before the patient becomes pregnant, especially there's a rapid growth or there's a family history of aortic dissection or, or sudden death in the secondary to aortic dissection but this is, this is a class 2B recommendation which means it would be reasonable but not entire, you know, it doesn't, it would also be reasonable not to do this, next slide.




And this, we have similar recommendations for Loeys-Dietz patients, we and, that's the recommendation that before pregnancy is considered to intervene on the aorta that's greater than four centimeters. 




And in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve and this is in the absence of a heritable thoracic disease or Turner syndrome that the it's reasonable before pregnancy to address the root if it's greater than five centimeters greater, greater than or equal to five centimeters, next slide.




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