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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~循環器科のまとめ~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




And then to end this presentation I just want to mention that every woman wanting to become pregnant should have a cardiac ultrasound done prior to pregnancy to look at the root but also at myocardial and valvular function and angio or MRI or CT angiography to look for distal aortic disease. They should be referred to the anesthesiologist and in this particular case dual ectasia should be looked for because this can affect the anesthesia, the dual anesthesia procedure during the delivery and inform people, so talking, talking. I think you cannot talk too much to, to, on, on this, on this issue. 




These are some recommendations that who, we have issued with the vascular group, so again do not focus too much on this diameter. There's a tendency to say the pregnancy is safe well below 40 millimeters. There's this gray zone between 40-45 and above 40 you should be really very careful. There's limited evidence out there.




So I want to conclude that pregnancy confers a risk for aortic dissection in the presence for aortic disease of of underlying disease. Most dissections and this is really the key message that I want to bring occur in women that are not aware of their disease. The outcome is better when they know it and when special care is initiated and pre-pregnancy aortic root replacement does not normalize your risk. Size is just once a piece of the puzzle and really an individualized approach for each single woman is really mandatory and there's definitely a need for further study there so I want to thank you for listening and I'll be addressing questions after the talks. Thank you.




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