Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection in the ER (Parts 1 and 2)
Bicuspid valve disease is common, mostly sporadic and isolated but can associate with other conditions like coarctation of the aorta and Turner syndrome and can run in a family.
Important to know is bicuspid valve is more common in certain aneurysm disease and is associated with abnormalities of the aortic wall. Compared to the normal flow through the aorta in a tricuspid aortic valve, bicuspid aortic valve leads to abnormal hemodynamics of the ascending aorta leading to wall shear stresses, which associate with an increased risk of ascending aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection amongst individuals with bicuspid valve disease.
And importantly, people who've had bicuspid valves removed remain at risk for late ascending aneurysm formation and when that occurs there's risk of aortic dissection.
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