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大動脈疾患に関する研究報告(Science in Paris) ~二尖大動脈弁~

Aortic Disease Research (9/19/22)




So bicuspid aortic valve is a very common inherent disorder of the aortic valve and a certain percentage of patients 10 to 35 percent also have an abnormal, abnormal aorta. I think it's estimated in our country about one in a thousand patients born has a bicuspid aortic valve. Normally your aortic valve you look at it on the end it looks like a Mercedes-Benz sign has three leaflets that open but sometimes there's just two and if they're just two leaflets that valve tends to get narrowed over time or leak and the aorta above it can develop an aneurysm 




So there were a couple of studies at the Paris meeting focused on the aortopathy associated with bicuspid aortic valve. One of them suggested that how tortuous the aorta was, was much, much more likely if the enlargement of the aorta was up above the valve a little way not just right on the root of the aorta. This could be important because we know what tortuous aorta is an aorta that's more likely to either dissect or form an aneurysm later so the type of enlargement of the aorta may inform other parts of the practice of caring for these people.




Also a big concern in patients with bicuspid aortic valve is what about pregnancy and we know from the literature that there has been concern that if a patient has an inherited aortic condition like Marfan syndrome, if the aorta is enlarged we're worried that the physiologic state that pregnancy induces, could cause that aorta to grow or tear or rupture and so is that true for bicuspid aortic valve disease. 




Well, this was a nice study which looked at about 47 women who had 103 pregnancies and 40 percent of them had an aorta more than 40 millimeters in diameter, which we would consider fairly enlarged if it was a Marfan patient, for example, and there was not a single dissection among those 103 pregnancies. This certainly gives us, I think I'll say, information that suggests that probably the aortopathy associated bicuspid valve isn't as likely perhaps as other inherited aortopathies to have a problem surrounding pregnancy. That's certainly the sense that we have based on the current knowledge. 




The other question that comes up sometimes in bicuspid aortic valve disease when there's an aortic enlargement is "Do we need to do genetic testing?" Could it be, could this patient have two problems: a bicuspid valve and a separate inherited aortic problem. 




And there was a nice study presented in Paris that looked at that and it did show that genetic testing in bicuspid valve-related aortopathy was positive in about 16 percent of patients but interestingly, all of those patients either fit into what we would call a phenotype typical for a look, if you will, of Loeys-Dietz or Marfan syndrome or they had a family history of sudden death in a first degree relative and so this gives us some guidance in terms of "Okay, if I have a bicuspid valve patient in my practice and they have an enlarged aorta, do I need to genetically screen them?" and the answer probably is "Yeah, if they have a first degree relative who died suddenly you should or if they have other factors that you look at, as could be a patient who has a separate Marfan condition, yeah I should, I should do that in that particular circumstance." 




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