Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)
The idea of aortic repair in surgery is to perform a repair before the aorta gets so large or so weak that it does rupture, so you want to prevent the rupture and prevent the untimely passing of an individual who's that, who's at risk, and whenever possible, of course, we try to do this as a elective operation where the risk of surgery in elective situation on the aorta is a lot, not just a little but a lot less than the risk of an emergency operation.
So we've talked about the ascending aorta. Here with the aortic root, the valve, and the coronary arteries where most of the aortic problems arise in patients with Marfan syndrome.
But less commonly but still a very important part of the aortic pathology in Marfan syndrome is the thoracoabdominal aorta, which is going to be the primary focus of what we're going to be talking about tonight but just to mention again because the ascending aorta is the part that is most commonly dilated.
For most of us who surgically manage patients with Marfan syndrome this actually makes up the largest part of our practice with regards to treating patients with Marfan syndrome and that's replacing the aortic root.
The picture in the middle is a Bentall operation. You see there's a mechanical valve, there's a dacron graft replacing the aorta and the coronary arteries are reattached. On the right hand side is a valve sparing and I think you can see here you look closely inside this dacron tube the aortic valve leaflets. When they are in reasonably good shape and look, have the appearance and enough tissue support, etc. that they have some durability we try to preserve them whenever possible.
We have a lot of alternatives for root replacement in patients with Marfan syndrome. Most of the others are used on an emergency basis. This operation over here on the lower left hand side is a Ross operation where the pulmonary artery is moved to the aortic position and that's not a very good operation for a patient with Marfan syndrome because the pulmonary valve generally cannot sustain the pressures of the arterial side.
Homografts are a possibility but they're generally used in infection as is this pig root that you see over here on the right, which is a porcine root. It's available through a company in a variety of sizes and has some use in patients with Marfan syndrome to avoid the use of coumadin.
You do a Bentall operation with a mechanical valve, of course, you're going to need to take coumadin for the valve and when you're able to spare the valve or use a tissue alternative the patients based on the valve itself can generally avoid coumadin.
Proximal aortic operations are very, very successful. The STS database over about a five-year period looked at root replacements and a little under 9,000 patients, of which 327 were Marfan syndrome. The average age being about 58 and the operative mortality was only 2 percent.
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