
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈を守るために ~大動脈の大きさが5cm未満でも手術を行うケース~

Taking Care of Your Aorta 10/15/18 (Virtual Medical Symposium Series)





In those caveats are as follows. So it's not strictly a line in the sand, and we often choose an aortic dimension a little less than 5 cm and we start thinking about it when it's 4.5 cm or greater.



If there's a family history of an aortic dissection, especially if the aortic dissection was known to occur at a small aortic size, if the aorta has been diffusely enlarged as opposed to just in the sinuses, if there's been a dissection present to the distal aorta, that's a risk factor for proximal dissections, if the aorta grows very rapidly, if there's a very large aorta 4.9, 4.8, and someone who's much smaller, especially a smaller woman, if the mitral valve requires surgery and the aorta dilated at a certain size, we say why don't we fix the aorta at the same time since ones there anyway. If the aortic valves leak significantly and that needs to be fixed, we'll fix the aorta.



And in many circumstances when the aorta is under 5 cm, it's really a patient desire, there's a good time socially or professionally or because of school or because of the worries that something could happen when the aorta getting close to 5 cm.



So in general, 5 cm is the target size in Marfan syndrome, somewhat smaller can be done in these conditions or if it's really important for the person to go forward now, especially when a valve sparing root replacement is recommended because it's easier to do the surgery before the aortic valve starts to leak, which it can once the aorta gets to be stretched too much.



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