
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~大動脈瘤vs大動脈解離vs大動脈破裂~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




So I'm going to go a little more into the difference between an aneurysm, a rupture, and a dissection, so just looking at this. This is a diagram of the body so as I mentioned here's the heart. This candy cane-shaped looking vessel is the aorta and the aorta gives off blood to the arms, the brain, back down to the body to the kidneys and back down to the legs. You can see it's really important 



Now an aneurysm just means that part of this aorta is dilated so this is called an aortic root aneurysm. This is called an ascending aortic aneurysm, just depending on the location. This has no pain, it has no symptoms. This is only picked up by imaging. You can only get it by an echo or a CT or a MRI. It doesn't cause any symptoms at all but just gets progressively larger. It just is this ballooning out. 



Now a dissection is where there is a tear in this wall so if you look, if you took a cross-section of this aorta the aorta actually has three layer, three muscular layers. There's this intima, the, the media, the intima, and the adventitia and basically if there's a tear of one or two of the layers they can bleed into the wall and so the outside layer gets separated so you get sort of this we call it a false lumen and blood comes out here. This is a dissection. This blood is dissecting down the vessel here and can cause clotting in this area, can cause this wall to come in and compromise blood flow to wherever the blood is trying to get to to the legs, to the kidneys, to the brain, to the arms and so and this is quite painful so an aortic, when people say, "Oh, I, I had pain from my aortic aneurysm," that's really rare but pain from an aortic dissection is almost universal this is a quite painful thing to happen and so it gives these passages for blood. Now when it happens in a very small vessel like a vertebral artery, which is a small vessel off the aorta to brain, sometimes that doesn't cause significant pain and might go unnoticed but an aortic dissection will not go unnoticed because that's the largest vessel in the heart. 



Now a rupture is different than both of those. A rupture is when the whole wall tears through so not it doesn't bleed into the wall of the aorta but bleeds into the thoracic cavity into the chest and so this allows blood to leave this. Now this is a huge vessel. This is pumping blood so this is almost universally lethal unless you're in the middle of an operating room when you actually have a rupture but thankfully a dissection is more common than a rupture but this is what we worry about as well.



So there are certain dissection types and I'm sure that we're going to hear more about that in the second half but dissection types in general we look at this is called a Stanford type A or a Debakey I and II and this is the most common this is when there's a tear up right near this aortic root I told you about or the ascending aorta and sometimes this can propagate and dissect all the way down but it means it started somewhere here or earlier. Then you can have a type B, a Stanford type B dissection and that's where the tear happens more prop, distal in the aorta past this area. This is a different kind of type B dissection but where it's happening further along in the aorta. 

大動脈解離の分類法についてですが、後半に書かれている分類法については皆さんご存知かと思います。一番左はスタンフォードA型あるいはDebakey I/II型と呼ばれているものです。大動脈基部あるいは上行大動脈で解離が起きた場合です。ここを起点として下流まで解離が続くこともありますが、解離の開始位置が心臓に近い場合には、この分類になります。真ん中の大動脈解離B型(スタンフォードB型)は弓部で解離が起きる場合で、一番右とは違うタイプですが、解離は先まで進行します。


And the this type almost universally gets emergency surgery and these type, it really depends on what the symptoms and where it is and what systems are getting compromised but they don't always have to have surgery.



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