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ERにおける大動脈解離の診断と治療 ~CT・TTE・TEE・MRI~

Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection in the ER (Parts 1 and 2)




CT scan again most commonly used in aortic dissection in the emergency room, highly sensitive and specific but you must use contrast. 



Here's an example showing the intimal flap with the small true lumen and the larger false channel. The true lumen typically has more intense contrast with the cast, opacification, is usually smaller and compressed as compared to the expanded false channel of aortic dissection.



This is a type B dissection without contrast and one cannot recognize the dissection or the intimal flap. With contrast you can see the same slice of the same individual showing the dissection flap, so very important to give IV contrast to make the diagnosis of aortic dissection.



Transthoracic echocardiogram can be done in an emergency room and see features that like this. Intimal flap that can be diagnostic of aortic dissection but it's not as sensitive as other modalities. About 75 sensitive for type A, lower in type B so you can't exclude dissection with transthoracic echocardiogram but you can diagnose it but sometimes features like a dilated aorta, the aortic regurgitation, or pericardial effusion may make you think this person could have dissection and heighten your awareness allowing rapid or expedited imaging such as CT scan for the emergency room. 



Transesophageal echocardiogram again highly sensitive and specific for dissection over 95 percent. 



MRI very sensitive and specific but it takes longer, less monitoring of the individual, not as readily available. It's typically done for follow-up as opposed to acute studies.



Finally, aortic intramural hematoma in the emergency room has a crescentic shadow or density around the aorta, of the blood in the wall of the aorta and our non-contrast study shows this crescentic wall thickening with enhancement.  



And penetrating ulcers as the other form of acute aortic syndrome that can be recognized by imaging often presenting with the same symptoms of acute aortic dissection.



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