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開胸・開腹術による胸腹部大動脈の修復 ~大動脈解離~

Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




The other problem that develops is the aortic dissection and that's where you develop a tear of one of these inner linings and then the blood gets between the layers creates as you can see on the right a true lumen where the blood was originally and should be and this false lumen, which is created between the layers as it spreads up and down the aorta when it's looked in cross-section.



The false lumen when there's blood flowing through it is also under pressure but as you can tell it doesn't have all the layers in its outer wall that the normal aorta should have and consequently it is prone to increasing in size and ultimately to rupturing.



Here's just some diagrams by Scott Weldon, showing the normal aorta or normal artery on the, on the left with the blood flowing through it. You can see the various layers of the aorta. You look very carefully, I don't know if you can see my, my arrow here but this sort of dark yellow is the intima, the media is this muscle that's where the elastin and collagen is supposed to be and then there's also collagen in this, this outer layer of adventitia and when you develop a tear in the aorta the blood gets in between these layers so this would be the true lumen over here and then the false channel is created and the aorta's weakened.



And just diagrammatically here on the right. Ultimately what it's prone to do is eventually find a spot that's so weak that it's not able to contain the pressure and then it can rupture.



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