Tromsø Aorta 2024 Recap with Dr. Kim Eagle
There was a really interesting presentation looking at how we approach aortic surgery and there's a fascinating project led by an engineer in Europe who has developed something called personalized external aortic root support. This is an operation that essentially uses a CAT scanner to create a 3D model which essentially would be an aortic wrap. It's personalized to each patient to prevent the aorta within it from enlarging over time. You probably know that in some of the aortic conditions like Marfan syndrome the aortic root tends to dilate and when that happens, there is an increased risk of an aortic tear called a dissection or aortic rupture. If one can create a way of preventing that dilation, one also potentially prevents the dilation of the aortic ring which leads to a leaking of the valve.
This particular engineer has created an interesting model where that is done. A 3D printing of the ascending aorta is created and is essentially placed around the aortic root to prevent its growth. Now this particular idea has been going on for more than 20 years now and one of the presenters at the meeting in Tromsø updated us on some of that data. It certainly has been tried in almost 400 Marfan patients, 64 patients with LDS, over 140 with bicuspid valve, 207 others including Turner syndrome, SMAD3 and others. So this particular technique has been applied to patients with a variety of aortic conditions. The advantage of course of the technique is that one doesn't have to have the heart stopped, have circulatory arrest. It allows for a less complicated repair to try to prevent the aorta from enlarging.
I think the next slide has some additional information. There was a study shown and presented in the literature that compared this PEARS procedure to valve-sparing root replacement. This was not a randomized trial but the scientists used existing databases to try to compare what happens to patients who get the PEARS procedure versus the more standard valve-sparing. I think rather than go through each of these lines what I'll simply say is this particular analysis looked favorable for the PEARS procedure. That is, it did not look worse in any of the categories that were identified including the development of aortic valve leaking after the surgery.
Our country's FDA has not yet approved this strategy as a general approach that would be ensured by Medicare and other insurance carriers but the procedure is being done with more commonality in Europe and other parts of the world. Based on the data I've seen it wouldn't surprise me if it gets approved in this country and may become one option for some of our patients who have ascending aortic root dilation.
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