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Surgery for Sporadic Aortic Aneurysms of the Aortic Root and Ascending Aorta


On behalf of the GenTAC alliance I'll be speaking on surgery for sporadic aneurysms of the aortic root and ascending aorta. My name is Chris Malaisrie. I'm a cardiac surgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and professor of surgery at Northwestern University. I also serve on the Marfan Foundation Professional Advisory Board. Today I'll be referencing two important clinical practice guidelines: one from the Americans recently published in 2022 and the second from the Europeans published in 2014.


GenTACを代表して、大動脈基部および上行大動脈における散在性動脈瘤に対する外科手術についてお話しさせていただきます。クリス・マレイザリと申します。ノースウェスタン記念病院の心臓外科医であり、ノースウェスタン大学の外科教授をしています。また、The Marfan Foundationの専門家委員を務めています。本日は、米国で最近公開されたガイドラインと2014年に欧州で公開されたガイドラインの2つの重要な臨床ガイドラインを参照しながらお話を進めます。


I'll first discuss appropriate timing for aortic surgery for patients with aortic aneurysm. Recent 2002 American guidelines on aortic disease features an option for earlier surgery for patients with aortic aneurysm particularly done by experienced surgeons in a multi-disciplinary aortic team previous threshold for aortic surgery was 5.5cm. This has been pushed lower to an aneurism size of 5.0cm. 




The normal size of the ascending aorta is 3.2cm and as this bell-shaped curve shows most people have aortas ranging from 2.5 to 3.5cm it is very uncommon for people to have an aneurysm of 4.0cm or greater.




But it is in these aneurysm patients that we're most concerned about aortic dissection and this study shows that of people who do have an acute type A aortic dissection that's a tear in the ascending aorta that the average size aorta in this group is 5.3cm. The risk of aortic dissection, which is a surgical emergency, increases as the aneurysm gets larger. 




This diagram shows that that risk increases steeply after 5.0cm. It's studies like these that help inform physicians as to when aneurysms need to get repaired. 




Hence current clinical practice guidelines by both the Americans and Europeans favor aortic surgery when the aneurysm reaches 5.5cm. There are other risk factors that should be considered, which include rapid growth, symptoms or small stature and plan pregnancy. New in the 2002 American guidelines is a recommendation to proceed with surgery at an even lower threshold of 5.0cm provided that that operation could be performed by an experienced surgeon in a multi-disciplinary aortic team. 




I'll next discuss what type of operations are offered for patients with aneurysms of the aortic root and ascending aorta. New in the 2002 American guidelines is the option of the valve sparing aortic root replacement for patients with aortic root aneurysm. Patients with an aortic root aneurysm will require an aortic root replacement and there's two ways to do this operation: one is with a valve replacement also called the Bentall Procedure. The other is to do a valve sparing aortic root replacement otherwise called David Procedure or the Yacoub Procedure. 




Depicted here is the aortic root replacement with a valved conduit, so the diseased aortic root, which is too big, is intersected along with a native aortic valve. It is replaced with a conduit that consists of a valve which can either be mechanical or a biologic valve which is housed inside a Dacron graft as a single unit.  




Aortic root replacements can also be done with a valve sparing technique. Here in panel A you can see a heart with a large aortic root aneurysms shown by the bulge in the middle. In the B panel the aortic aneurysm is completely resected, sent to the pathology. In panel C the diseased aorta is replaced with a Dacron graft and most importantly the native aortic valve is spared and repaired if needed. The valve is resuspended inside the Dacron graft where it functions normally. Panel D shows the completed repair with the valve inside the Dacron graft. The aneurysm is completely replaced. Coronary arteries are re-implanted. 




The new recommendations rely on increasing data that shows that valve sparing aortic root replacement can improve survival when compared to patients who have a Bentall procedure. We along with other institutions have shown in a propensity fashion the patients who do get the David procedure live longer than patients who get a Bentall procedure. 




This is led to current clinical practice guidelines both by the Americans and Europeans that give a nod towards valve sparing aortic root replacements for patients with aneurysms of the aortic root as long as it's done by an experienced surgeon in a multi-disciplinary aortic team.




In summary there are two new features of the 2022 American guidelines on aortic disease. The first is that elective aortic surgery is now reasonable for patients with aneurysms of 5.0cm compared to 5.5cm in previous aortic disease guidelines as long as it's performed by experienced surgeons in a multi-disciplinary aortic team. The second is that those same experienced surgeons should be able to offer the valve sparing aortic root replacement for patients with aortic root aneurysm.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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