
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜循環器系の説明〜



So what, what issue am I trying to resolve now? Marfan syndrome obviously is a multisystem disorder. It affects the eyes, it affects the spine, it affects the muscular-skeletal system. In fact, it affects many parts of the body. Some might say it affects every organ system to some extent, sometimes just trivially but sometimes quite seriously but I think that the effects on the, the the cardiovascular system are the, you know, by far the most serious in terms of impacting a patients longevity, how long they're going to to live. 




Now there are patients with Marfan syndrome whose life expectancy is unaffected by Marfan syndrome. You know, I have at least one patient I can think. I've got one one chap who comes to my clinic, who is 81 years of age, who has definite Marfan syndrome and he has never had any heart surgeries. He's never had any surgeries on his blood vessels. He was treated, you know, for the first 50 years of his life I don't think he had any medical treatment and even in later years he didn't have much medical treatment, probably just a beta blocker, so, you know, we haven't done very much to him. He's, he's lived for 81 years without much treatment, so it's certainly possible to live to very advanced ages with Maran syndrome and not have serious cardiovascular disease but many other patients do need to have quite, you know, either they need medications or they need surgeries or they run into complications and so, so that's what we're trying to deal with.




You know, I focus on the cardiovascular manifestations and in particular I focus on problems of the aorta, so I know that many, probably most of you already know this, most of you do but I guess it's just possible someone on the call has just recently been diagnosed and this hasn't come up yet and I think that perhaps something that people don't fully appreciate is that there are, this is, this usually begins and mainly affects two specific parts of the aorta and the most vulnerable part is this part here, so here's the aorta in the chest, it is of course a gigantic blood vessel people often are very shocked to learn how big it is. It's, I always say, it's the biggest part of your body that no one's ever heard of and, you know, it starts here just at the heart. It then loops up around just under the neck and giving off these branches to the arm and to the to the head and then it loops around like this, this is the arch of the aorta and then it loops down through the chest. That's about a foot long or, you know, maybe that kind of thing and then it sort of goes down through the diaphragm into the abdomen then through the pel, and then it sort of halfway down the abdomen, it's splits around about where the the navel or belly button is here and then splits into these two big blood vessels here.




And usually here it is of taken out and this is the aortic valve and then this very first part here is called the aortic root. These two very, very important blood vessels: the coronary arteries come off here. This is what causes, you know, in the generally older people causes coronary artery disease. That's not a feature of Marfan syndrome. That's different and then but this is the part that tends to swell in Marfan syndrome and if it gets too big that's when there is a risk of tearing of the aorta here and this is where the risk of tearing is very serious because it can disrupt the aortic valve, it can disrupt the coronary arteries and it can run back towards the heart, so that's what we want to avoid and then there's another area of vulnerability just here where the aortic arch meets the descending aorta.




And when they have a problem here it tends to cause tearing called a type A dissection and when you have tearing here it tends to cause what's called a type B dissection, generally speaking, so that's the issue that we're trying to prevent and we're trying to slow down the growth of the aorta here and here.




Now we get these things called aneurysms which are sort of swellings of the blood vessel and here's one type of aneurysm and here's another type of aneurysm and you can get aneurysms anywhere along the aorta but this is the kind of aneurysm that you tend to see in Marfan syndrome and, and also other conditions like Loeys-Dietz syndrome and, and it's right down at the root of the aorta. You don't see this, you see this another conditions, you see this like this. It's like a flask that we used to use in school in chemistry lessons like that and that's what it looks like.




And if I go to the next slide this is what the echo cardiogram looks like. Now this is the same aorta but it's just been tilted 90 degrees on its side. This is what a normal aorta looks like. Here's the heart, here's the aortic valve, here's the aorta and here's the little flask. This is what a normal one would look like and here is what one would look like in a patient with Marfan syndrome where the aorta has been allowed to grow far, far too large. Each one of these markings here is one centimeter, so this is probably one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight and a half centimeters. That's that's crazy, too big, so and here's the aortic valve and this whole thing has got, got far too big, so that's, that's what a Marfan aorta would look like on an echo scan.




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