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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ランダム化比較試験とメタアナリシスの説明〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So, so next I just want to change topic before we come on to the, the, the, the real substance of what I want to talk about but I just want to make sure everyone's on the same page with understanding what a randomized controlled trial is. Some people, some of you are going to know all this already, some people maybe not, so I just want to make sure everyone's clear about it. 




So in a randomized control, some of you will have been in randomized control trials I know, so the idea of a randomized control trial, it hasn't, you know, it hasn't been around for the whole of human history. This, this concept was invented in the 1950s. It's a British invention, I should say.




And the idea was that you, you take participants who, who have got the disease that you want to study, let's say, patients with Marfan syndrome and then you want to test whether the treatment works compared to no treatment and so what you do is you randomly allocate, let's say, half the the patients to having the intervention that you want to test, let's say, the medication and the other half of the patients are randomly allocated to not getting the treatment and this idea that the treatment allocation had to be at random was not obvious to human beings until really about the 1980s and it's kind of amazing that this hadn't really become clear but until the 1980s. 




It was extremely common for people not to be allocated at random and what would happen is the doctors would decide which group you would go into and you would think, well and the doctors used to, who did these trials before the 1980s, used to really think that they could decide in an unbiased way but they really, really couldn't and we, we have learned the hard way that, that if you want to get an unbiased group, in other words, if you want the the people getting the, the, the treatment group and, the and, the and, the control group to be similar in terms of their composition you, you must randomly allocate people and so if you ever see a trial a study that's reporting to show that a medication works and there's no randomization there is no random allocation of people to, to treatment or no treatment or to different treatment arms then alarm bells should be ringing and is, you know, one has to treat that with significant amount of skepticism.




And then what usually happens and what happened in the trials of the treatments that I'm going to show you is that measurements were taken of people's aortas at the beginning of the trial and then they continued to take measurements throughout the trial and then they took a final measurement at the end of the trial and so for each patient it was possible to see how that patient aorta was behaving over the course of the trial and, and, and then you could work out whether the patient aorta was growing and if it was growing how fast it was growing and that's how the trials of, of, of Marfan syndrome were conduct, in Marfan syndrome were conducted, so that's, that's how these trials were, were done.




Now we have in the, in, in, in, the sphere of what's called evidence-based medicine, which is the way in which we you try to apply evidence and, and science to patient care. This kind of pyramid of a hierarchy of, of evidence.




And so in, in the, in the past we used to very heavily on experts opinions, so, you know, a professor or a specialist would say, "this is what I think we should do," and it nowadays we put that really at the bottom of of the hierarchy because we've realized that experts got it wrong a lot and, you know, it was very much biased by what the, you know, sort of loudest voice in the room was the most, you know, sort of, sort of most outspoken person sort of felt.




And then over time, you know, ideas tend to get tested in various kinds of studies and then here we have these kind of non-randomized trials where there was, medications were being systematically tested but without randomization and then there was a feeling that randomized controlled trials were probably better.




But then it, we had a situation in which often people would do random, several different randomized control trials. Maybe there'd be a randomized control trial in France, there'd be a randomized control trial in Spain, there'd be a randomized control trial in Canada, then there'd be one in the US and sometimes they would all say the same thing. Well, that's pretty easy and sometimes they would say slightly conflicting things because they tested things in slightly different ways, maybe they'd slightly different medications, maybe the populations they were studying was slightly different and the, then there would be various different ways of looking at overviews of these trials and sometimes experts would get together and say what they thought were the best ways of doing these trials. 




But finally people developed systematic ways of putting trials together and there is a special way of putting trials together that is called the meta-analysis and the, the, the correct way of doing a meta-analysis is to bring together the trials and this is clever bit is that you add, you, you essentially add together the information in all those trials and you weight the trials according to the amount of information that is contained within each trial. 




Now that is very, very misunderstood and if you understand that what I just said you know more about meta-analysis than most doctors, okay? Meta-analysis has a slightly bad reputation, particularly in the US, I should say, because there are lots of differences, for two reasons: one, most doctors don't understand that sentence that I just said and number two, because there's lots of ways of doing meta-analysis wrong and there's only really one way of doing them right, okay? but if you, if you avoid those two errors you understand what meta-analysis done correctly really is. It is putting together trials in a logical way in which the information, in which the trials are weighted according to the amount of information that each trial contains and that you do the analysis correctly and you don't make the mistakes that are easy to make then the meta-analysis is the best way of making the correct judgments about the the way in which one should proceed. That's the concept, okay, well, that, that's that's my belief anyway, okay.




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