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Aortic Disease Research (9/19/22)





Karen, who we know, she wants to know is Valsartan as effective as Losartan in diminishing growth of the aorta.





Yeah, Karen, you're, you're, you're right on there that. I, I think that the, the class of ARBs, there, there is some variability and I actually prefer Valsartan or Irbesartan over Losartan because I believe they have a longer bioavailability than Losartan, so I'll tend to start my patients on one of those. 


Dr. Eagle:



One of the larger trials I think was called AIMS you might remember this, Joe, I think it used Irbesartan at doses of 150 to 300 milligrams a day, so I, I tend to use the, the newer types of ARBs but if I go back to more of a purist I think Hal Dietz might be a purist. He would say, "Wait a minute, you know, we study Losartan at these doses. If you do this it's going to be right." I can't quibble with that. I mean, he's the father of the whole gang field but I tend to use Irbesartan and Valsartan for the reasons mentioned. 


Dr. Eagle:



But we have to make sure we push the doses right to the levels that we think are commensurate with the Losartan trials in order to be getting the right effect. It's not just blood pressure. It's pushing the doses to trial level. 


Dr. Eagle:



Yeah, and I think the, that is in fact right. I think Irbesartan is probably the, the ARB of choice because as you said it is slightly more potent and available. The, the United Kingdom trials used that and, and showed very good results with, with that drug so I would say yes to that question. 





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