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リスクと生きる ~ARBとβ遮断薬に関する研究~

Living with Risk




There is also some other good news in 2020. This was a meta-analysis looking at the use of medications essentially showing that angiotensin receptor blockers like losartan and irbesartan slowed the rate of aortic progression when they were compared to placebo and there was additional benefit when added to beta blocker therapy. 



Furthermore additional analysis. This was done in the compare trial and this looked at patients who on completion of the trial, which looked at beta blocker versus beta blocker plus losartan. Those that continued losartan therapy and compared to those that just remained on beta blocker alone had lower all rates of events so lower risk of death, lower risk of aortic dissection and overall lower risk of both of those things combined. 



So in a year when there was a lot of bad news it was really nice to see some good news out there, so I clung to these things. 



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