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大動脈疾患小児における薬物治療 〜臨床試験の歴史〜

Medical Therapy in the Pediatric Patient




Hi, I'm Dr. Glenn Iannucci. I'm a pediatric cardiologist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and director of the aorta and vascular program and on behalf of the GenTAC alliance I'll be presenting some of the thought process and data behind the use of medical therapy in pediatric patients with aortic disease. 


こんにちは、グレン・ヤニュチィと申します。Children's Healthcare of Atlantaで小児循環器内科医をするかたわら、大動脈・血管プログラムの責任者を務めています。このウェビナーでは、大動脈疾患小児に薬物治療を実施するにあたっての、背景にある思考プロセスおよびデータについて、GenTACを代表して説明させていただきます。


So we know from pathologic data that TGF-beta activity is upregulated in aneurismal aorta and based on this there were initially mouse trials that showed what would happen if we blocked that activity in mice and traditionally beta blockers had commonly been used for patients with Marfan syndrome both for their physiologic effect to reduce blood pressure and heart rate and they also were thought to have some degree of reduction of the rate of growth of the aorta and based on mouse trials with TG, anti-TGF-beta medications, which include ang, angiotensin receptor blockers there was a early trial with 17 patients, who had really aggressive aortic dilation.




And this is just an example of one of those patients, so you can see the rate of growth that occurred while the patient was on beta blocker therapy then when they added irbesartan, they noted a stabilization of the size of the aorta and based on this study this led to a larger scale study.




This is trial was funded by the Pediatric Heart Network and was a trial that looked at comparing the effectiveness of standard therapy atenolol at moderate dose versus a low dose of losartan in pediatric patients across the United States. It was a multi-center, blind study and there was a total of 608 patients that were enrolled and essentially therapies were found to be equivalent with both producing a fall in the aortic z-score over time and one of the other things that came out of this study noted that when therapy was initiated at a younger age it tended to have a more significant effect in the aortic root z-score over time.




Importantly there were other trials that were being done as well in Europe and in adults and these also showed that the use of angiotensin receptor blocker slowed the rate of aortic  progression when compared to placebo and that there may have even been an added benefit when they were added on top of beta blocker therapy.




This looked at the compare trial, again another larger trial in Europe and looked at beta blocker versus beta blocker plus losartan over the course of three years and on completion of the trial 75 patients opted to continue losartan and that group was compared to beta blocker therapy alone and for those patients there was a decreased risk of events seen in the losartan group, so both death, dissection and a composite end point, so data is starting to really confirm a benefit of medical therapy.




And most recently another meta analysis was completed that looked at individualized patient data and grouped all of the trials together and that included over 1,400 patients with Marfan syndrome, so this is different than some other meta analyses, which essentially look at the conclusions of different papers and then try to draw a main conclusion. This actually looked at patient-specific data and again demonstrated a benefit with angiotensin receptor blocker therapy and the benefit was noted to show a reduction in the rate of change of the aortic z-score by about 50%, which is quite remarkable.




Now as many of us who take care of pediatric patients are aware, thankfully, the risk of aortic events in children overall tends to be fairly low. This was actually well demonstrated by a large group in Europe that looked at 460 patients with a median followup of 17 years and found only about a 5% risk of aortic event during that time period. Importantly the bulk of those were actually prophylactic aortic surgery. There were only two incidents of dissection and one of those occurred secondary to a motor vehicle accident.




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