Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease
Another point that was highlighted in the 2022 guidelines was that we should try to remember the family, so aortic disease is a progressive condition, so if genetic testing is not informative, does not allow to exclude the condition from family members then one negative screen also cannot exclude this, so they've now made the recommendation that serial screening is now recommended and what that looks like is every 5 years for younger patients and every 10 years for older patients.
As I've gotten older my definition of older has started to change but certainly once skeletal growth is completed might be an appropriate time to space followup intervention.
Below is a example of a patient that I've taken care of where we can see that really there's just been much more progression of the dilation of the ascending aorta and proximal head and neck vessels over time as an example.
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