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小児循環器の観点で見る2022 ACC/AHA大動脈疾患ガイドライン 〜大動脈手術をどこで受けるか〜

Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease




One of the other points that was highlighted in the 2022 guidelines were the recommendation that patients with stable aortic disease be referred to centers who are considered high volume centers with some data showing that those that perform more than 30 proximal aortic procedures annually had improved outcomes and certainly that was also shown to be the case if they performed more than 50.




However, it is worth noting that for pediatric patients those types of volumes are unlikely to exist at a single center. In fact one of the larger surgical series that was, was done by the group at Hopkins published their outcomes for their first 100 cases and it took about 20 years for that data to be amassed so what that means for us is that if we have a patient who is nearing adult size or perhaps is adult body habitus then it might make sense to consider utilizing some of our adult colleagues who have considerable experience or expertise in this arena from a surgical perspective. 




Certainly there may be patients where that very much might not be appropriate as well in the case of children who may need more specialized pediatric care in the post-operative setting, i.e., someone who has developmental challenges or, you know, other need for pediatric surgical subspecialty care in the post-operative period. 




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