Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease
Hi, I'm Dr. Glenn Iannucci. I'm a Pediatric Cardiologist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta with Emory University and I run our aorta and Vascular Clinic there. I will be presenting today a pediatric take on the recently released 2022 American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines for the diagnosis and management of aortic disease.
こんにちは、グレン・ヤニュチィと申します。Children's Healthcare of Atlantaとエモリー大学で小児循環器内科医をしており、Children's Healthcare of Atlantaでは、大動脈・血管クリニックの運営に携わっています。本日は、近年公開された2022 ACC/AHA大動脈ガイドラインを小児循環器の観点から説明させていただきます。
Diagnosing aortic disease in Pediatrics has a few differences compared to adults. One of the most notable differences is that you’ll notice the diagram provided in the AHA guidelines shows you measurements that are taken in diastole. In pediatric aortic conditions we typically measure the aorta in systole and that's true for most of our echocardiographic studies as well as when we’re taking measurements from CT scans or MRIs as well.
And the aortic dimensions in children have to be adjusted based on their body size. As many of you know there's no standard size. 11-year-old, you can have an 11-year-old who has not started their growth spurt yet and might not be very tall or you could have one who's completed a good bit of their growth spurt and be, you know, nearing adult height.
And so because of this we use something called standard deviation or z-sores is the term that we use in the Cardiology world, world and essentially a z-score of -2 to +2 is considered normal and if you have a z-core of zero then that means that your aorta is perfectly average in size. Anything greater than +2 would be considered dilated and there are a few different z-score calculators and z-core data sets out there a couple of links are provided there.
There's also no clear consensus on, you know, when something is mildly dilated versus moderately versus severe and there’s also no clear consensus on when it’s appropriate to use the term aneurysm, which we all know carries a lot of emotional weight and maybe a heavier connotation than what is appropriate for a pediatric patient who may have, you know, mild aortic dilation and not that much risk.
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