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小児循環器の観点で見る2022 ACC/AHA大動脈疾患ガイドライン 〜小児の成長曲線〜

Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease




Children grow, is something we know well looking at the growth chart for infants. So on the pink growth chart, there you can see, there's very rapid growth in the first six months of life and then as you complete the first 12 months of life things start to slow down a bit, then looking at the age 2 to 20 growth chart for boys by comparison the rate of growth in elementary school tends to be relatively stable and then as you approach middle school you hit an inflection point where, where really, you know, we see significant growth at that time.




And the somatic growth exhibited in these growth charts almost mimics what we see in patients aortas. I often use the analogy for families that just like, you know, just like your thumb is going to grow with time that so too will their aorta.




So almost every time we measure we get a larger absolute number but the use of z-scores allows us to normalize that rate of growth to their somatic or typical skeletal growth.




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