Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease
So as children are growing one of the questions that often comes up is "Is my aortic growth physiologic or pathologic?" and by physiologic growth we mean normal somatic growth of the blood vessel and, you know, we have some data at this point, to roughly ballpark, what goes on during childhood. Again in infancy and during the growth spurt in adolescence often these numbers will be exceeded but if we were to average things over the entirety of childhood these numbers can be used as rough estimates.
So, you know, for those with a bicuspid aortic valve if there's not much valve dysfunction often the z-score stays relatively stable over time and then the bicuspid aortic valve aorta in general tends to grow by about a millimeter a year. There has been some studies that have shown increased rate of progression during adolescence done by the group in Indianapolis most recently and the aortic growth does tend to slow during adulthood once skeletal growth is completed.
Interestingly there's a lot of speculation about what may or may not happen to the size of the aorta based on exercise and we've often thought that increased exercise may increase the rate of growth of the aorta in patients with bicuspid valves based on studies of athletes that have shown larger aortic dimensions but a recent study suggested that this might not be the case.
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