Pediatric Take on 2022 Adult Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Disease
Because some degree of growth of the aorta is normal for children we must use caution when reviewing the 2022 AHA guidelines that point out that surgery should be considered in patients whose rate of growth exceeds either five millimeters in a year or three millimeters per year over the course of two years.
小児期においては、ある程度の大動脈の拡張は正常であることから、2022 ACC/AHA大動脈疾患ガイドラインを参照する際には注意が必要です。このガイドラインには、大動脈の拡張が、1年で5mm、もしくは2年で3mmを超える場合には、外科手術を検討する、と書かれているからです。
These rates of dilation in an adult patient who, you know, no longer has skeletal growth left certainly could be quite striking, however, in children some degree of aortic growth is normal, so rates of two to three millimeters per year may not be that atypical during infancy or early adolescence.
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