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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~遺伝子検査~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




So what we're going to do over the next half hour or so is we're going to review some of the topics that are encompassed in the new guidelines based on genetic aortic disease, aortic aneurysms involving the thoracic aorta and surgery for aortic dissection and other thoracic aortic problems. 




A strong part of this guideline emphasizes of the recognition that thoracic aortic disease is a genetic disease.  




In an individual that we call sporadic, meaning no one else in the family is known to have aortic disease, the person does not look syndromic but they just look like anybody else, so to speak, but have a thoracic aortic aneurysm or an aortic dissection. What's been recognized is in that person there's about a one in five chance that another family member will also have thoracic aortic disease. 




So the guidelines emphasize how to think about that risk factors for TAD or thoracic aortic disease, so we educate the professionals to look for features of Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in the person that you're seeing, ask a careful family history in multiple generations: "does someone have thoracic disease or an aneurysm of the head or neck or periphery?" or "does somebody else have thoracic disease at a young age?"




And in those groups of people the the likelihood of finding a genetic variant is higher, so genetic testing should be performed and if a positive variant is present so if you find the gene then you can test other relatives that could be at risk for the same condition and the relatives tested who have the same gene can then be imaged to see, "do they have abnormalities?" and counseled appropriately and then that goes on and on in subsequent generations and subsequent family members that's called cascade testing, so at the very top is emphasis on recognizing the conditions at risk for genetic disease, doing genetic testing. 




Importantly, only a small number of people who have families with aneurysm disease about 25 percent will be found to have a gene, so also in the guidelines emphasizing when aneurysm disease runs in a family but genetic testing is not informative, in other words no gene is found we still image other family members for thoracic disease because again you can find other family members with the same aneurysm disease. 




So there's a lot of emphasis on that good discussion and very clear guidelines with tables like this to help inform screening family members and, and this is done in a way to help with, with really to help with doing the right thing and hopefully help with insurance coverage for this sort of testing in people at risk. 




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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