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New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




One person asked the important question. Is there a recommended age cutoff for peripheral aneurysms when considering genetic testing?




No, I think one of the most important sentences in the document is there's, there's really no age limit at which we shouldn't consider genetic cause for an aneurysm because it's always possible. 




Sometimes in a family, especially when it's non-syndromic we talked about the syndromic diseases tonight but many of the non-syndromic will present in the 60s or older with an aortic dissection and then we screen family members we find others with an enlarged aorta. 




So we really have to think about that for all. An isolated cerebral aneurysm without any other features in any other family members that might be a little bit different. Abdominal aneurysm associates with cigarette smoking and male sex and over 65 years old but also can be genetic but not the genes we're talking about. 




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