New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?
The recommendations are written like this, so I won't go over every single one but it emphasizes again in somebody, in a patient who has thoracic aortic disease or have experienced an aortic dissection perform a careful family history asking about features of aneurysm disease in other family members and that would highlight the concern for a genetic aortic condition. And, and those who have aneurysm disease or aortic dissection, who have risk factors for a heritable condition do the genetic testing with a panel of genes, so these are class one indications recommendations, meaning that physicians should do these things, so those are important part of the guidelines, next slide.
Other guidelines regarding genetic, go back one, yeah guidelines again in people who have a gene it's important to get proper genetic counseling, so you have to meet with somebody who has knowledge whether it be a genetic counselor a geneticist, a cardiologist, a surgeon who has the expertise to be able to understand what the gene means and how that impacts the person's care, so and then use the genetic information to inform the specific management and as, as we'll talk later, different genes behave differently with regard to their thoracic aortic care and surgical thresholds, so there's really an emphasis on precision medicine and precision surgery based upon what condition is present and which gene is involved, next slide.
Again emphasizing widespread screening in those at risk, so these emphasize the different types of scenarios we can come up with.
So the first one would be a family with aortic disease, so we know it runs in a family, a parent might have it, a child, a sibling, so it's running in the family but genetic testing is normal, so we didn't find a gene and that's a common scenario but still image the aorta in relatives in that family who are connected to somebody else that's connect, cascade testing to see if the other people also have aortic disease.
Second would be in, in, sorry go back one, next one would be in individuals who have aortic disease but no family history still screen relatives. Again 20 percent chance of finding another individual with aortic disease.
And then finally and very important in people after who've experienced aortic dissection, a tear in the wall of the aorta, very important and potentially fatal condition that can affect the thoracic aorta. Physicians and surgeons should list the size of the aorta at the time of dissection. That's very important, so this is a guideline now.
So doctors like Dr. DeAnda, people like myself we try to look for this in charts, would record it in our own records to say so-and-so had an aortic dissection and the aorta was five centimeters. That's very helpful when we think about how do we manage other family members when we don't know a gene that's involved, they're approaching that sort of a size, so this sort of information in a family can be helpful in guiding how we might manage other family members when we don't have a specific genetic marker, so that was codified and put into the guidelines, and, and very important new addition to the guidelines, next line, next slide.
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