New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?
Dr. DeAnda is going to talk about some of the surgical thresholds.
Some of this has changed over time and some of it was in the previous 2010 guidelines and some of this will, will everyone's always worried or concerned about what is the size that you want to intervene on.
And so this, these are all class one recommendations and I'll go to the second one there and this is for an asymptomatic patients and as you, as you probably are aware a lot of aneurysms are picked up with either screening or incidentally. Someone gets an x-ray or they get a CT scan for some other reasons and now they, they have known to have an aneurysm. We haven't talked about this yet but we haven't talked about this other than the, the guidelines that were mentioned already about how to measure aortas but we also talked ??? about what do you call something when, when do you really call it an aneurysm but it and we've laid that out a little bit.
So in asymptomatic patients someone who is has an incidental finding of a large aorta and there's no family history, there's no identified genetic cause and if or if there is a family history but a non-syndromic history but you don't know the size. We recommend that the aorta be prophylactically addressed when it reaches five centimeters or greater.
In those patients who also, who have the non-syndromic, syndromic family history of, of thoracic disease and once again with no genetic cause but they have high risk features for adverse aortic events and this goes back to a little bit what Dr. Braverman was saying, for instance, where maybe another family member ruptured or dissected at a lower diameter or maybe there was someone who had a, a sudden death at a lower diameter. They can be addressed at when it reaches four and a half centimeters or if someone is undergoing some other procedure, for instance, they're having a CABG or a closure of an ASD or a valve replacement they have some other reason why they're there then it is reasonable to address this aorta when it reaches four and a half or greater in size, centimeters in size.
The caveat is listed and this is going to be seen on a lot of the recommendations throughout the document the caveat at last phrase that's added, which says when performed by experienced surgeons in multi-disciplinary aortic teams and this is not meant to, you know, try to, try to limit this operation only to certain centers but what it's saying is that if you are going to address an aorta at a smaller size you really need to have had a lot of experience both in doing the procedure but also in understanding the disease process and understanding what the wri.. because you understand the disease, understanding what the particular risks are to the patients undergoing that procedure.
So these are our two magic numbers if you will for patients with her, heritable thoracic disease. Five centimeters or greater if there's no information, four and a half centimeters or greater if that patient has some high risk features for adverse events and that would include aortic dissection or if they're undergoing some other type of procedure, next slide.
Thank you, Abe. I want to emphasize one thing that Dr DeAnda said that's really critical. Multidisciplinary team is important in the shared decision making aspect as the, the vast majority of cardiac surgeons in our country perform less than or equal to two aortic root surgeries in a year. I mean it's very, it's not a common surgery for the vast number of cardiac surgeons, so having complex aortic surgery, especially when, when very low risk is necessary is it's important to see a surgeon with experience.
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