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What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)




So say that there is someone who has an aortic root or ascending aneurysm, there's no known family history, their genetic testing has thus far been normal but we've kind of given them a clinical diagnosis of Loeys-Dietz syndrome because we feel like they fit in that spectrum. How do we as clinicians make decisions about aortic surgery in those cases?




So that's a really excellent question, so whenever we're making a clinical decision about whether to move forward with some form of treatment including a surgery we're always trying to weigh the risks of doing the procedure versus the risk of not doing this procedure, so you're, you're assessing at every moment in time the risk that would be imposed by moving forward but also the possible benefit to that individual of moving forward at that moment in time now. 




If somebody definitely has Loeys-Dietz syndrome types one and two and particularly if they have mutations that a mutation that we've previously seen in people with early onset and severe vascular complications, you know, we feel very confident in saying you should go ahead at four centimeters and sometimes even smaller than four centimeters. 




If someone has LDS type four or five and they have six family members that also have LDS of the same type and all of those family members are in middle to late age and either have not required surgery or only needed surgery very late in the game and never, never had an aortic dissection now we feel comfortable saying you can wait to at least four and a half centimeters before that risk-benefit ratio would favor moving forward.




So, you know, what we're going to be doing in the circumstance where you're describing where we don't have a precise answer regarding diagnosis is we're going to do a deep dive into family history, try to learn everything about every relative that we can, we're going to monitor the rate of aortic growth really carefully and look for some warning signs like a sudden change in the rate of growth of the aorta. That's something that we pay attention to: something changed, the tissue quality has changed, you know, we need to adapt. 




We're going to take keep a careful look on the performance of the aortic valve as the aorta gets large. It can stretch the aortic valve and cause it to leak and we, you know, our goal now for most patients is to do something called a valve sparing procedure that would allow them to avoid the need for lifelong anticoagulants. We know that we have to intervene before there's severe valve damage and severe valve dysfunction, so, you know, the same principles would apply for the circumstance that you're describing even if we don't have a diagnosis. We're going to use every other bit of information that we can collect to try to make the best decision for that individual. 




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