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What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)




Can siblings be very different in their LDS journey and does being male or female make a marked difference? This person has one person, a male in their family who's had multiple heart operations but the sister has a normal aorta later in life, so a little bit about is there a sex difference and about differences in one family in their LDS journey. 




So yes, absolutely you can see very dramatic variation even within a family even among individuals that are known to have the same Loeys-Dietz mutation. We've seen very striking examples of that where one family member has premature fusion of the skull and perhaps a cleft palate and club feet and the other family member has very few outward features but perhaps does have some degree of aortic enlargement. 




You know, that can happen in both directions. I've seen brothers who are more severe than sisters. I've seen women or girls who are more severe than men or boys. You know, if you play the averages there's a suggestion that men may be somewhat more severely affected with many aortic aneurysm conditions but there's tremendous variation on that theme and it's, it certainly is not predictable. 




You know, the, the time of increased risk in some conditions like vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in boys is at around the time of sexual maturation when they're going through puberty. The time when women are at increased risk is, you know, around childbearing associated with pregnancy and perhaps breastfeeding, so each gender has their own challenges. 




We do feel strongly that every member of a family who is a first degree relative of someone diagnosed with Loeys-Dietz syndrome should be carefully screened. You can't trust outward features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome as being an absolute predictor, so, you know, people should maintain an index of suspicion for all at-risk family members and make sure that they get the appropriate medical tests and perhaps also DNA testing.




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