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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~LDSの型~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So again, this is the, the primer that many specialists, most of them from Johns Hopkins, because back in the day we had the most experience with Loeys-Dietz, so our specialist came together to write these guidelines back in 2014.




And back in the day, you know, we really had discovered only four types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome back then: TGFBR1 and 2, types 1 and 2, SMAD3 and TGFB2, so clearly many of you come with Loeys-Dietz types five and six caused by variants in TGFB3 and SMAD2. 


当時知られていたのはLDSの型は4種類のみ(原因遺伝子:TGFBR1, TGFBR2, SMAD3, TBFB2)でしたが、今では明らかに多くの方がLDSの5型, 6型と診断されるようになっています(原因遺伝子:TGFB3, SMAD2)。


So we need to kind of address the differences and the similarities in the newer types of Loeys-Dietz syndrome and I think an important concept to address here is in some of the Loeys-Dietz types, probably 4, 5, and 6. There does tend to be higher incidence of something called non-penetrance.


そこで、新たに見つかった型と他の型との相違点と類似点をみつける必要があるのですが、ここで重要となるコンセプトが non-penetrance(遺伝子変異があっても、特徴が現れていない状態)と呼ばれるものです。この性質は特にLDSの4, 5, 6型に多く見られる傾向にあります。


And so you can see these two kind of family history or pedigrees here. Just to interpret them, they're three generations, so you can see the square married to the circle, the man and the woman, on the, on the topmost of these two charts and then you can see going down on the left where it's blacked out. That is referring to autosomal dominant inheritance, right?, which we know is the inheritance pattern for Loeys-Dietz syndrome and you can see that the mother passes it on to one of her sons and the sons pass it onto one of the daughters and the black represents that all of them are basically showing the features of the condition. 




And we know in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, especially in some of the newer types, there can be what's called non-penetrance, so this is a chart on the right. We can see the mother on the top generation also passes it on to that son on the right side because his daughter shows symptoms but he's really asymptomatic, so when Loeys-Dietz syndrome might not show aortic dilation and something we want to think about in the newer guidelines and we get questions about is like, "What if you're that person in the middle?" "What if you have a family history of people with aortic disease?" "You carry on the Loeys-Dietz variant but you don't have aortic disease yourself. What should you think about treatment and surveillance?"




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